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6. Mr. Jason Hodges, representing Coca Cola, came before the Commission to request a <br />Certificate of Appropriateness HD -10 at 1033 Bonham St- Mural Project -Artist Uprising. <br />Mr. Hughes presented the plan for the external mural on the west and north side of the Coca <br />Cola building. The proposal is to either (1) paint the mural on the brick or (2) use a vinyl <br />- wrap, which would be more temporary but would not harm the brick. Commissioner <br />Vandiver asked if the mural could possibly look a little more historic. Mr. Hodges stated that <br />had been discussed, but they wanted to promote more diversity. Commissioner Vandiver <br />pointed out that the Design Standards do allow for paint in situations such as this one. A <br />motion was made by Commissioner Dougherty, seconded by Commissioner Vandiver, to <br />approve the COA using paint. Motion carried. 5 ayes; 0 nays. <br />7. Coordinators Report (1) a sidewalk grant for 1' Street between Lamar and Clarksville has <br />been submitted, but no word received as yet. (2) HPO Bedford, Andrew Mack and Becky <br />Semple will be attending the state Fair on October 4 to promote the 2024 Eclipse and <br />Farmer's Market. (3) every Thursday night in September there is a jam group performing on <br />1St SE from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. (4) All COAs are online and are being tested to see if they <br />are user-friendly. (November 16 and December 5 )— Main Street Transforming Strategies <br />and work plan for downtown. A consultant has been hired to present information. She has <br />asked HPC Commissioners who are able to attend. They will last about 3 hours. Dinner will <br />be provided. <br />8. Future Agenda Items: No future agenda items were recommended. <br />9. Adjourn: A motion was made by Commissioner Vandiver, seconded by Commissioner <br />Holtman to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. 5 ayes; 0 nays. The meeting was adjourned <br />at 5:16 pm. <br />Ryan ffi_ .. <br />