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10/02/2023 Minutes
Boards and Commissions
10/02/2023 Minutes
Entry Properties
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11/7/2023 9:11:31 AM
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11/7/2023 9:11:14 AM
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Page 6 <br />12. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of the Hider 158 Addition, Block A, Lot 1, LCAD <br />16556, located in the 1000 Block of S Church Street. <br />Mittge states this is the final plat. Staff recommends approval with the following noted <br />condition: <br />1. Location of proposed lots, streets, alleys, easements, parks, building setback lines (both <br />front and side streets), minimum finished floor elevations... Chapter 9A, V Final Plat, (8): <br />a. The minimum finished floor elevation shall be provided. <br />A Motion to approve the final plat with noted condition was made by Board Member Francine <br />Neeley and seconded by Board Member Chad Lindsey. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />13. Consider and discuss possible amendments to the City of Paris Zoning Ordinance Section 8- <br />501 Home Occupations pertaining to permitted and prohibited uses. <br />Mack states that Clint Cheatwood has approached the City after approaching the Lamar County <br />Health District regarding the use of an accessory building in his rear yard for improvement and <br />licensing of a commercial catering kitchen. Staff has determined that if it is not expressly <br />permitted, it is prohibited under the current ordinance requirements. The property is zoned <br />Agricultural. There are some examples of spot zoning of Commercial in the area but that is not <br />an appropriate action to recommend for the applicant to take. It is not consistent with the <br />principal use of the property which is residential. There is an opportunity for a text amendment <br />to the Home Occupation Ordinance. Mr. Cheatwood is here to present specific details with <br />regard to what he plans to do. Mack asked the Commission for an opportunity for Mr. <br />Cheatwood to approach the commission. <br />Chairman Fendley granted permission. <br />Clint Cheatwood, lives at 4750 Pine Mill Rd states he is the applicant. This is something he <br />has wanted to do for a long time. He does off-site catering on a part-time basis which may be <br />twice a month. He works full-time at Kimberly Clark and this will be very part-time. <br />Cheatwood states that he wants to do this right and came to the Commission to ask for approval. <br />Cheatwood states he has approximately 3.5 acres. <br />The Commission asks staff what direction they are looking for. <br />Andrew asks the Commission for further direction as to an administrative approval process by <br />staff or a public hearing process to consider impact on the neighborhood etc. Fendley states it <br />is the will of the Commission for a public hearing process. Mack states that his sense is to land <br />somewhere between (1) one to (1.5) one and one-half acres lot in an Agricultural or One - <br />Family Dwelling No. 1 (SF -1) zoning district. Mack states there would be restrictions on <br />signage, or any changes to make this look like a commercial business. <br />14. Request items for future agendas. <br />
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