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as we reasonably could. While city officials did offer some response at the events, our primary <br />goal was to listen, take notes, and begin to analyze what we were learning. <br />We had a great turnout at all five events with many individuals speaking during the town hall, <br />some meeting with city officials after the town hall to discuss concerns, and still others submitting <br />a survey. As a side note, our steering committee made the decision to restrict surveys to those who <br />attended the event as we wanted to encourage direct participation via attendance at the town halls. <br />If anyone ever has a concern that they would like to submit to the City, they can always reach out <br />to their councilmember or the City Manager's office by phone, email, or in person. In total, we <br />had about 53 individuals either speak during a town hall and/or submit to us a survey. Many others <br />attended but did not speak or submit a survey. We had a plethora of city officials attending, <br />listening to the concerns as they were being made. These individuals were (whether at all or some <br />of the meetings): <br />1. Reginald B. Hughes, Mayor <br />2. Mihir Pankaj, Mayor Pro Tem <br />3. Gary Savage, Councilmember <br />4. Rudy Kessel, Councilmember <br />5. Shatara Moore, Councilmember <br />6. Grayson Path, City Manager <br />7. Rob Vine, Deputy City Manager <br />8. Doug Harris, Assistant City Manager <br />9. Richard Salter, Chief of Police <br />10. Michael Smith, Public Works Director <br />11. Robert Talley, Code Enforcement Supervisor <br />12. Kimmie Snowton, Police Community Outreach Officer <br />13. Janice Ellis, City Clerk <br />14. Stephanie Harris, City Attorney <br />15. Randy Tuttle, Assistant Chief of Police <br />16. Jon McFadden, Public Information Officer <br />17. Nicki Brown, Code Enforcement Officer <br />Our goal with the above list of participants was to cover areas we foresaw to be topics of concern <br />by our residents based on our past experience. <br />Following the events, individual city councilmembers as well as the City Manager attempted to <br />reach out directly to various attendees in order to continue the discussion, particularly if any input <br />we received was vague. While time did not allow us to visit with everyone who attended, and many <br />we attempted to visit were not home, we did have an opportunity to meet with about 17 individuals. <br />Page 2 of 12 <br />