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Regular Council Meeting <br />December 11, 2023 <br />Page 6 <br />was ready for bidding. With regard to Phase 1, he reviewed and depicted slides of the previous <br />site, the proposed site overview, the primary clarifiers, aeration basins, and final clarifiers. Mr. <br />Klement moved on to Phase 2 Facilities, reviewing and depicting slides of the influent force <br />main, the existing FEB PS site, the proposed FEB PS Site, the influent pump station, head works, <br />sludge dewatering and an administration building. Mr. Klement also said Phase 1 construction <br />was contracted for completion in March of 2025, and Phase 2 was estimated to be completed by <br />the end of 2025. <br />Mr. Harris said they had recently discussed the potential need for additional property for <br />Phase 2 but that was no longer needed, because the design team came back and they would be <br />able to build everything in the existing footprint. Mr. Path said staff would be working with the <br />financial advisor and rate consultant engineer to start planning Phase 2 bonding. Mr. Path <br />reminded everyone of the recent successes they had been working on to alleviate pressure on rate <br />payers, that the City had refunded and restructured a 2013 GO Bond which was an annual <br />savings of 1.4 million dollars. He said those funds would be diverted to the next phase. Mr. <br />Path also said during the budget, they had restructured GO and Utility bonds to the utility side <br />because the City had some retiring debt, and that was an annual savings of an additional 1.5 <br />million dollars. He said this was a total savings of 2.9 million dollars every year. <br />24. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2023-051: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING <br />AN AMENDMENT OF THE RESIDENTIAL TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT BY <br />AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS AND WE'RE GOING TO PARIS, <br />LLC; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE <br />SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />City Attorney Stephanie Harris said the City Council approved a residential tax <br />abatement agreement on May 9, 2022, with We're Going to Paris for renovation of the Westgate <br />Apartment Complex. She said under the terms of the agreement, the owner was to have <br />completed the improvements by May 8, 2023. Ms. Harris said due to issues related to financing <br />and other concerns, the owner had not commenced construction and had requested that the <br />deadline be extended to May 31, 2025. She also said the City Council had indicated its <br />willingness to do so on the condition that the owner either commence construction or secure the <br />property no later than February 12, 2024. <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Kessel and seconded by <br />Council Member Norment. Motion carried, 4 ayes — 0 nays. <br />25. Receive presentation regarding power lines in the City of Paris. <br />Public Information Officer Jon McFadden said the City had heard throughout all five <br />town hall meetings about street lights not working, downed lines and trees that needed to be <br />trimmed. He explained that staff met with representatives of Oncor and with Optimum to <br />discussed down lines, power cable or telephone and other issues related to utility lines, <br />specifically power. Mr. McFadden said he created a space on the City's website to provide <br />information of how to get in touch with these companies in order that citizens may report their <br />
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