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Paris Public Library Advisory Board <br />05/15/2024 <br />Meeting Minutes <br />I. Call to Order: <br />The regular meeting of the Paris Public Library Advisory Board was called to <br />order by Chairman Steve Hellmann at 5:03 p.m. <br />Board members present were Steve Hellmann, Jennifer Cullum, Myers Hurt, <br />Melanie Loughmiller, and DeEtte Cobb. Also present were Connie Lawman and <br />Deputy City Manager Rob Vine. Board member Kelvin Hicks was absent. Library <br />patrons Abigail Frank and Millicent Key were present as well. <br />II. Citizen's Forum: <br />Two board applicants introduced themselves: Millie Key and Abigail Frank. <br />Abigail has 3 boys, all homeschooled, recently moved to Paris, and is inspired by <br />the library. She and her husband own "Paris Play." Millie reports that she is a <br />lifelong library patron, has 2 daughters, and works as a nurse practitioner. She is <br />at the libraryweekly, and as one of our local Master Gardeners, she helped start <br />the seed library currently in place. Applying forthe open library board position to <br />get more formally involved. <br />III. Approval: The minutes of the April 17th, 2024, board meeting was approved with <br />no corrections. Myers Hurt made the motion and DeEtte Cobb provided the 2nd. <br />IV. Strategic Planning <br />a. Goal3: Strengthen Capacity <br />i. Crosstra in a ll staff <br />ii. Strengthen employee skills with the digital library <br />iii. Updating the library interface to be more user friendly <br />iv. Improve the building <br />Connie noted that this includes her idea of bettering the Library from the inside out and that <br />starts with the building and staff. Staff training on the new Atrium program is a great start <br />for everyone to be trained together. She also noted that Sophia wants to do 3-D printing for <br />all ages and Connie states that this could also be a good cross -training opportunity for <br />staff. <br />Connie is also continuing to improve the building by rearranging and better utilizing the <br />space that is available, including expanding the children's area and updating the interior <br />d eco r. <br />