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Paris Public Library Advisory Board <br />07/17/2024 <br />Meeting Minutes <br />I. Call to Order: <br />The regular meeting of the Paris Public Library Advisory Board was called to <br />order by Chairman Steve Hellmann at 5:01 p.m. <br />Board members present were Steve Hellmann, Jennifer Cullum, Myers Hurt, <br />Melanie Loughmiller, Kelvin Hicks, Eva Dickey, and Fran Neeley. Also present <br />were Library Director Connie Lawman, Assistant City Manager Doug Harris, and <br />Friends of the Library representative Audrey Mathieu. <br />II. Citizens Forum: <br />No citizens addressed the board. <br />III . Ap p rova l: <br />The minutes of the June 12th, 2024, board meeting was approved with no <br />corrections. Melanie Loughmiller made the motion to approve, with Kelvin Hicks <br />providing the second. <br />IV. New Business: <br />a. Member Introductions. <br />With July being the first meeting of theyear forthe advisory board, all voting <br />and non-voting members introduced themselves. The two new members to <br />the board are Fran Neeley and Eva Dickey. Fran introduced herself to the <br />board, stating this is her 5th cycle serving on the library advisory board and <br />that she is an avid reader. Eva introduced herself to the board, also a <br />previous board member and stated that she loves to read as well. Doug <br />Harris introduced himself to the advisory board, stating that he has been <br />assigned to the library and he is always available to the board members for <br />any questions or concerns. <br />b. Election of Officers. <br />Chairman: Myers nominated Steve Hellmann to sit as Chairman of the <br />board. Kelvin seconded that motion, and all members were in favor. <br />Vice Chairman: Fran nominated Melanie Loughmillerto sit as Vice Chairman <br />of the board. Kelvin seconded the motion, and all members were in favor. <br />Secretary: Myers nominated Jennifer Cullum to sit as Secretary of the board. <br />Kelvin seconded the motion, and all members were in favor. <br />