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currently in the city limits. A copy of the proposed agreement is attached as Exhibit C to the <br />proposed ordinance disannexing the property. <br />Nexus advises that it has entered in to and agreement with Chisum ISD under Chapter 313 of the <br />Texas Tax Code that "will provide more than $23 million dollars to Chisum ISD over the next 35 <br />years, and nearly $11 million in the first 10 years," and that development of the project and <br />payments to the school district will be delayed by two years should the city deny the disannexation <br />petition. <br />It is very likely that the solar project will move forward even if City Council denies the petition, <br />although it may be redesigned to eliminate those portions that are on land currently within the city <br />limits. <br />Given that current state law strongly disfavors annexation, once this property is disannexed, it <br />would be very difficut and quite unlikely to ever be able to re -annex it. <br />BUDGET: The requested disannexation would deprive the City of the property tax revenue for <br />the disannexed property; however, the developer is interested in entering into an agreement to <br />mitigate the loss as described above. <br />OPTIONS: 1. Discuss and act on an ordinance disannexing the property and approving the <br />disannexation agreement with disannexation becoming effective as of the date that <br />the agreement is executed by the Nexus. <br />2. Discuss and act on a resolution making findings of fact and denying the petition <br />of disannexation as to portions LCAD Parcels 71112, 71113, 70422, and 70423, <br />located on County Road 22500 and comprising approximately 170 acres. <br />