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TO: City Council <br />Grayson Path, City Manager <br />FROM: Robert G. Vine, Deputy City Manager <br />Stephanie H. Harris, City Attorney <br />SUBJECT: Disannexation Request—LOAD Parcels 71112, 71113, 70422, and 70423, located <br />on County Road 22500 and comprising approximately 291 acres <br />DATE: June 24, 2024 <br />BACKGROUND: Nexus Renewable Power, LLC ("Nexus"), on behalf of Robert Moore, the <br />property owner, has submitted a petition to disannex the four above -referenced parcels located on <br />or around CR 22500 west of Paris. The parcels are located to the west, southwest, and south of <br />the Kimberly-Clark plant and comprise approximately 291 acres. <br />The thin yellow line is the city limits line; the thick green lines outline the parcels. <br />Nexus has leased the parcels from Mr. Moore as part of the MRG Goody Solar Project (the <br />"Project"). The Project will occupy additional parcels owned by the company to the west and out <br />in the county. As a part of the development process, Nexus discovered that all of parcel 70423 and <br />