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portions of the remaining parcels lie within the city limits of Paris. As a part of the application for <br />disannexation and in meetings between the developer and city staff, Nexus has presented the <br />following factors as impetus for seeking disannexation: <br />Maintairdrig lJnifoirn,flty of Devellopirnent for City Protection, Over 901% of the acreage aiirui <br />costs for"the Project aire located oiY.itsHe of the (.,"ity of Paris city hirrilts. Dsari� �iexatiorl aifows <br />tis to utlTzip a tnflforirn and cons�stient design style, compoineints, and COTIStrUcdon appiroach, <br />whlch wot,flid rininlirnlze l:)otenflal delays, redt,icelinve-stin4eint risk, fire hazards, and <br />generally re(iiiice poten,tial ni[shaps &je to dllispairatie re(-4UlIirernents. <br />* Minimizing City of Paris Obligadoins. 1. . )lsannexation wotAkll reirnc)/e the burden fircorn the Oty <br />to offer local seii-Oces; a partict.jlar coria(,.^rn foii, a reniote edge! of the City of Paris` property, <br />* Accelerating Stjbstaintiall I conoiTflc Beriefits tc0, ISD. The FIrojei::.t. is pairdcllpating 41 a <br />n.�ei-)t2 (t� <br />31.3 Agiree ie "Agree rn ent'") with Ohlsi.jrrl hiidependent Scho&l District <br />("Gnisuni ED'), The Agreernent wifl piravide rnorr than $23 Irrnillliorn dollars Jar-hirnini ISD <br />ove[ the next 35, years, and nearly $1.1. rnflhoin in the first 10 yews, lInitially, it was plail rned <br />for the Project'to coirrq)lete constrt,ictk)n in 2027, meaning Chistirri 61) winijildn't receive any <br />significant reventies t.jntil,2028,."Il he Project approached Chist.irr) IS[) to arnei,-iid the <br />Agreernent in 2024, hoping to accelerate the, Prc�ject firnefine by cornplleting coinsftin.lictlon in <br />2025, aHc)wing Chlsjurn lSD to be& receiOng sign ific�,a int revenk.jes 'in 2026 - two years <br />earheir than odglinafly iplanned,"Fhe afoT eimientioned delays created L)y the :QOM 113 jeopardlze <br />the Project's abiRy tc) begin constin,ilctic)n hi-) 2()24 ar[d rnay further jeopardize the Project's <br />deveIloprnent, <br />* Acceleratling, Econoi,nic Beinefits taco l airnaii,- EZourn tyLPanis ,kmorl C&Ilege.,and the City of Paris. <br />TFl e Project is anticipated to accelerate its dirnehne Iby nearly tmr(:) years with the ahn of <br />stairfling ct::)nstructioin before the end of,2024. Ihis would result insut.)standall tax payrnients <br />beginnhng in 20215. [Asannexadon hey PS enSUre this accelerated flirnelirw (,:an Qbe rnahitalned <br />by confornihip <br />., peirrnitling recluk-ernents across the enflre iProject and pruvi&ng inoirle, <br />tin -ring, regtillatory, and certaini.Y to the Rioject and each of Larnair Cokinty, Paris <br />Juidior College, and fl,,oe C-ity of IParlis. <br />I . he Spec.ific Use Permit Potentiafly p14egates a1H lriveslLii,irieritMl'ithiii City& Paris Umits. The <br />Riojecil: has engaged in highly respoinsHble dip)4[oprnent by c-ornrnfttlrng to a fifty-foot.-bk.Affer, <br />whlch lis higili than indL)Str'y standards aind sig . nparaUle s6ar <br />,inificantly iargeir than otheir cN <br />pirc)jects hn Lairriar County, I the four-hunidired-foot buffer reqtAred by Ordinance <br />201.7- 0001,98-29 100 woUld ehrnirwe five (5) of ii::he seven (7) sow arrays pllainned for these <br />parcels, reating <br />, MU[blple years of diev4lopmeint delays, and re&.jcing the Project hrivesment <br />in, the city lliinits by over 501/6. As a restilt, a rriajc)irity of the l,)otenbal tax tothe Crty <br />of Paris frown the Proje(.:�t is ainaadyjeopar&zed by SUP &nten in the abseiiu:e oil: a <br />disannexation As a result, disannf.:Wation followed by 4iveetrnern: 'is a net positive for the City <br />of Paris,, <br />u Figtire I - Project Maps (Eintire Prc)jiect) <br />r:� <br />Figf,ire 2 FrTojert Maps (SelectedArea in Cityof flaiiIs Botirldaly) <br />C,, FIgUre 3 —SelectedAirea lien Oty of Paris Prqpeity Tax Reverilue <br />• Ct.jrren t 50' Setbad�/Buffpir <br />• Si W 400'Setback/Bt.ffer <br />