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• NexusSedl(s a IMiuurujaHy....IC u:'nefic'ia0 OLIMOniewltlll°u the N....ocalf Cou°rnrnu pity. Nexus is, and Il ias <br />beeirn, a Ilong ...,d rne sull:)port:er of the Oty of Paris, Il....arnar County and the 6n' liat:ives Pn.111'sn,ued by <br />the ICocal corrnrnurnuty.1'o that e rn d, Nexus wHllll rnegOflat:e �i n good faith regar&ng dunsai nrnexatuoun <br />flu~narnn:uall dontf ns to support tllne Oty of PaHs and the irnmtladves of the loca9 ccn— ni-ri ..nrnuty, <br />[From the Application for Disannexation attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit <br />A.] <br />A primary issue for Nexus is that Zoning Ordinance No. 1710 Sec. 29, "Required Components <br />Regarding Solar Farm Specific Use Permits," will apply to portions of the Project that will lie <br />within the city limits. Nexus contends that the SUP requirement will subject those portions of the <br />Project to different regulations than will apply to the remainder of the installation in the county. In <br />addition, Sec. 29 requires a 400 foot setbackibuffer when its plans call for a 50 foot setback/buffer. <br />This would require Nexus to scale down the Project somewhat to comply with the setback <br />requirement: <br />MRG Goody Solar (Project, LLC A <br />Because solar arrays must be of a certain size and number of panels to function, Nexus would have <br />to remove everything in red in the above photograph, not simply the panels within the city limits. <br />