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Exhibit A <br />FORESTBROOK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTNO. 1 <br />59.62 ACRES, <br />TRACT <br />(FORESTBROOK FSTA'ri,'s sui-MIVISION, PHASE' ONEI) <br />BEING a tract of land located in the JOSPE11 LEACH SU16,"EY, ABSTRACT No. 524, Larnar <br />County, Texas and being a portion of that. certain called 91.20 -acre tract of land described as <br />Tract I in deed to Lone Star Planned Developments, Ll.C, recorded in File No. 203288-2023 of <br />the Official Public Records of Lamar County, Texas and being more particularly described by <br />metes and bounds as -follows: <br />BEGENNING at a point at the Southwest corner of said called 91.20 -acre tract, from which a t12 - <br />inch iron rod found bears S 00" 21' 55" E, 0.45 lett, said point lying in the North right-of-way <br />line of Jefferson Road (F. M. 1507, an 80' right-of-way); <br />THENCE N 00' 21' 55" W, 758.95 feet along the West boundary line of said called 91.20 -acre <br />tract to a point; <br />TI EINCE S 89' 37' 23" E, 159.07 feet departing said boundary line to a point; <br />THENCE S 00" 22' 37" W, 2.65 teet to a point.; <br />THENCE S 89" 37' 23" E, 130.79 feet to a point', <br />THENCE S 00'22' 37" W, 5.75 feet to a point, <br />THENCE S 83'' 37' 00" E, 758.30 feet to a point; <br />THENCE S 00" 22' 37" NA', 74111 1'eet to a point in the South boundary line of aforesaid called <br />91.20 -acre tract, lying in the aforesaid North right-of-way line of Jefferson Road; <br />THENCE along the South boundary line of said called 91.20 -acre tract with the said North tight - <br />of -way line orJeffierson Road as follows: <br />N 85" 32' 04" W, 782.02 feet to a concrete monument round at the Beg <br />,inning ofa Curve to the <br />NORTHWESTERLY, 254.59 t'eet along said Curve to the Left, having a radius or 11,499,16 <br />feet, a central angle of 01" 16' 07" and a chord hearing N 8C" 11' 49" W,' 254.59 feet to the <br />PLACE OF BEGINNING. containing 18.076 acres ofland, <br />