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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />APPROVING AND ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR THE CITY <br />OF PARIS FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) TO <br />COMMERCIAL (C) IN THE CITY OF PARIS, BLOCK 315, LOT 13, LCAD <br />NO. 50943, LOCATED AT 4225 LAMAR AVE.; MAKING OTHER <br />FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELEATED TO THE SUBJECT; <br />PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND A <br />SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />WHEREAS, Section 211.004 of the Texas Local Government Code requires that <br />all zoning regulations must be adopted in accordance with a comprehensive plan and <br />must be designed to lessen congestion in the streets; secure safety from fire, panic, <br />and other dangers; promote health and the general welfare; provide adequate light <br />and air; prevent the overcrowding of land; avoid undue concentration of population; <br />or facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewers, schools, parks, <br />and other public requirements; and, <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 213, of the Texas Local Government Code empowers <br />municipalities for the purpose of promoting sound development and promoting <br />public health, safety, and welfare to adopt a comprehensive plan for the long range <br />development of said municipalities; and, <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 213 of the Local Government Code empowers a <br />municipality to define the content and design of a comprehensive plan; and, <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 213 of the Local Government Code provides that a <br />comprehensive plan may: <br />1. Include but is not limited to provisions on land use, transportation, and <br />public facilities; <br />2. Consist of a single plan or a coordinated set of plans organized by <br />subject and geographic areas; and <br />3. Be used to coordinate and guide the establishment of development <br />regulations; and, <br />WHEREAS, the adoption of the proposed Comprehensive Plan shall not, in <br />accordance with Section 213.004 of the Local Government Code, limit the ability of <br />the City of Paris to prepare other plans, policies, or strategies related to land use and <br />land use planning as required; and, <br />WHEREAS, in September 2001, the City Council adopted a City of Paris, Texas <br />Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map; and, <br />WHEREAS, said 2001 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Plan and said <br />Land Use Plan Definitions were amended and adopted in May, 2008, and, <br />