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<br />the occupants within a center or multi-use development, provided that the directory <br />portion of the sign shall not exceed 200 square feet or 75 percent of the total sign <br />area, whichever is less. If a directory is utilized, the remainder of the sign area shall <br />contain only the identification ofthe entire center or entire development. If a multi- <br />use sign area meets the maximum square footage allowed for a single use, no <br />detached ground sign is allowed for any single use within the center or development, <br />or for any use listed in a directory on such sign; instead, other single uses within the <br />center or development may utilize attached signage only in accordance with the <br />following provisions: <br /> <br />(1) The total area per face of an attached sign shall not exceed 1 <br />square foot of face area per front foot of leased or occupied fascia length. <br /> <br />(2) Ifthe leased or occupied fascia length has multiple frontages, an <br />attached sign may be placed on each frontage in a size not to exceed 1 square <br />foot of face area per front foot of leased or occupied fascia length; however, <br />signs located on the back of a development shall be limited to 1 square foot <br />of face area per back foot of leased or occupied fascia length not to exceed <br />32 square feet, whichever is smaller. <br /> <br />(3) Attached signs identifying individual occupancies within a <br />coordinated development should be uniform in size and general appearance <br />as much as is practicable." <br /> <br />Section 9. That Section 28-37 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, <br />be, and the same is hereby, amended so that such shall read as follows: <br /> <br />"Sec. 28-37. When permits not required. <br /> <br />The following signs may be erected and maintained under the exceptions and <br />conditions listed and shall not require a permit, provided all other chapter provisions <br />are met: <br /> <br />(1) Public signs. Noncommercial signs erected by or at the direction <br />of a public officer in furtherance of the public interest in the performance of <br />his public duty. <br /> <br />(2) Public, charitable, educational, or religious signs. Temporary <br />signs announcing any public, charitable, educational, or religious event or <br />function may be installed for a period of not more than 21 days prior to the <br />event and not more than seven days after the event, with a total sign area of <br />not more than 24 square feet on each sign face. Such signage is prohibited <br />over the public right-of-way. No fees shall be charged for such signs. <br /> <br />Page 13 of 17 <br />