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<br />(3) Integral signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monumental <br />citations, and commemorative tablets which are carved into stone, concrete, <br />or similar permanent materials and constructed as an integral part of a <br />structure. <br /> <br />(4) Nameplates. One nameplate per public entrance per business not <br />exceeding three square feet of sign area per face. <br /> <br />(5) Private signs. Signs not visible beyond the boundaries of the lot <br />or series of contiguous lots under the same ownership on which they are <br />located or which are not visible from any public right-of-way. <br /> <br />(6) Garage-sale signs. One garage-sale sign not exceeding four <br />square feet in sign area for all sign faces which is installed on the lot or series <br />of contiguous lots under the same ownership on which the garage sale is <br />located; such sign shall be installed during the days for which the garage-sale <br />is conducted. <br /> <br />(7) Menu boards. Eating establishments with drive-through service <br />are permitted two menu board signs per premises, limited to 36 square feet <br />in area and 6 feet in height. <br /> <br />(8) Window signs. Window signs are exempt from the provisions of <br />this chapter, providing not more than 30 percent of the transparent window <br />area is occupied at anyone time. <br /> <br />(9) Gasoline/service station signage. Signs located beneath a canopy <br />which do not advertise the premises, including but not limited to the <br />following information: 'Self-Service,' 'Full Service,' 'Unleaded Gasoline,' <br />and 'Regular Gasoline,' are exempt. Governmentally mandated signage and <br />signage contained within the individual pumps are also exempt. In addition, <br />ten square feet of signage is permitted per side under the canopy per set of <br />gasoline product dispensers. Signage located beneath the canopy which is <br />intended to advertise to individuals using the gasoline product dispensers <br />only, and not intended for advertisement to the public right-of-way, is <br />exempt. Letters less than three inches in height shall not be counted as part <br />of the sign allowance. <br /> <br />(10) Government flag signs. Allowed, as defined in the definitions in <br />section 28-1, provided that each such sign does not exceed 40 square feet. <br />One advertisement/identification flag or three government flags are permitted <br />with a maximum of three such signs per premises. <br /> <br />Page 14 of 17 <br />