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<br />(11) Political signs. Such signs must contain primarily a political <br />message, be located on private real property with the consent of the property <br />owner, and not be located within the public right-of-way. Additionally, <br />political signs that are smaller than 36 square feet, less than 8 feet high, not <br />illuminated, and do not have any moving parts do not require a permit. <br /> <br />(12) Real estate signs. Such signs shall be nonillurninated, shall not <br />exceed six square feet in area per face, and shall pertain to the sale or lease <br />of the premises. Subject to the provisions of the city's zoning ordinance, <br />permits shall not be necessary for temporary signboards or billboards to be <br />placed on buildings or vacant space, advertising the sale or renting of such <br />buildings or property on which they are placed, when such signboards or <br />billboards do not exceed sixty (60) square feet of area. <br /> <br />(13) Agricultural signs. One sign, advertising agricultural uses, not <br />exceeding 32 square feet in area and 8 feet in height, shall be allowed per <br />owner. On large tracts that exceed 0.25 mile of public right-of-way frontage, <br />said owner may have one sign per 0.25 mile or portion thereof. <br /> <br />(14) Vehicular signs. Vehicular signs are allowed for the purpose of <br />identifying a vehicle used for a particular business (i.e., delivery service, <br />professional and business, construction trailers, etc.). <br /> <br />(15) Protective signs. The occupant of any premises may erect two <br />protective signs in accordance with the following provisions: <br /> <br />a. Each sign must not exceed 2 square feet in area. <br /> <br />b. Detached signs must not exceed 2 feet in height. <br /> <br />c. Letters must not exceed 4 inches in height. <br /> <br />(16) Movement-control signs. May be erected at any occupancy or <br />any premises, other than a single-family or duplex premises, may be attached <br />or detached and may be erected without limit as to number; provided that <br />such signs shall comply with all other applicable requirements of this chapter. <br />The occupant of any premises who erects a movement-control sign shall <br />comply with the following requirements: <br /> <br />a. Each sign must not exceed 4 square feet in area and a <br />maximum of 6 feet in height. <br /> <br />Page 15 of 17 <br />