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<br />u. <br />. <br /> <br />[WI] <br /> <br />rrEXAS ASSOCIA1]ON OF I{EALrrOI{S@ <br />COMMERCIAL LEASE <br /> <br />m <br /> <br />lhi5lcase lIl/.rCClllcnt is made and enlcrrd into by and hetween Don & Sara Beth Wesson, c/o Nathan Bell <br />(I,:\lllllord) alld The CH~Q.f Paris (Qrug Tas~ Force) (Tellanl), Lalldlord herchy lenses to Tenant and <br />I enant herchy leaM's rrom I.nntllord thnt certain properly wilh the ill1nrovemcnts thereon. containing approximately <br />square fcct. hercinaller called the "Icased premises". known as _~_n__ ~... in Paris. Texas <br /> <br />(Address), Lot <br />Lamar <br /> <br />. Blork . __. Addition, City of Paris <br />('ounty. Texas: or as more particularly described helow or on attached exhibit: <br /> <br />. I <br /> <br />lhe prim~ry term of this lease shall he 11 months <br />19 94 . IInd ending on the 31st du)'of May <br />Bnd covenants: <br /> <br />commellcil~on the 1st day of July , <br />I 19 , upon the following terms, conditions, <br /> <br />all <br />I. T^ X ES. Elich year during the lerm of this le:lse. Landlord shall pav real estate taxes assessed ~K~in.~L~I)~.]:~~:2,P!emiseSl4H <br />~~~~K~{{~I(M)i'~~~~W~~iWbtlQ;~2ilQ{ff~X:~~ft~~fi,t~~~~~~~ <br /> <br />.", _URI_ <br /> <br />'I he hase year shall he <br /> <br />2. UTILITIES. Tenanl shall pay nil charges for utilily services tolhe lensed prellli~es excepl for no exceptions <br />which shall be paid hy lhe LnndlonJ. <br /> <br />3. IIOLDINCi OVER. Failllle of Tl'n:Jnllo ~urrender the leased premiscs at the expiration of lhe lease constitules a holding <br />, over 'whit-h shall he l'Ollslrucu llS a tenancy from month 10 month lit a relllal of $ 750.00 per monlh. <br /> <br />4. RENT. Tenanl agrcr~ tll and shall pay Lnmllord at Nathan Bell Realtors. County of Lamar . Texas. or <br />at sUl'h ulher place I.andlord shall designate from time to time in writing. as rent for the leased (Jremises. the tOlal sum of <br />S XXXXXXXXXXX . pnyahle without demand in equal monthly payments of $ 750.00 each in <br />advance on or before lhe 1st dny of each month, commencing on July 1, 19 ~ I and continuing therealler until <br />the tolal surn shall he paid. ~J{gtmKt<OO)(ke{)cat){~~)t)t!l'lN~)CJSCtlfM~~:HNmJ~Ht(:r(~~}(n <br />imKdiH~H~xtiutY.ccK~~~~~*"~1iff~~lI'.~HKi,,*~.~l\~l\~~~~~H~<<tYfllt~ijAl:t <br />~KH~K~~~~lK(~~~~~~Mf{~~~iRl~rnt(1:~~~~lCB~t <br />~~~k~t~~~~xxxxxxxxxx~~H~~~~~~~~~~~~Mt~~~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~s <br />~~XH~~~xxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~~f~~~K~~~~~H~l~~~~~~xxxxxxxXXXXX~h <br />ft}t~~~RXk~tlt. <br /> <br />5. USE. Tenant ~hnllllsc Ihl'lensed premises for the following purpose arid no olher: offices & storage $pace <br />for the Regional Controlled Substance Apprehension Program <br /> <br />6. SECURITY DEPOSIT. Tenant ~h311 pay to Landlord a security deposit in the sum of $ 600.00 , payable on or <br />before lhe commcncement of lhis Icase for Tenunt's faithful performance hereunder. Refund thereof shall be made upon <br />performance of this lease agreement by Tenant. minus any assessments or damages unless Landlord and Tenant provide <br />,," othe~ise in Special Provisions. ' ' <br />. . II 'j" ' <br /> <br />7. INSURANCE. Landlord ~hall pay for fire and extended coverage insurance on the huildings and other improve- <br />ments on the lensed premises in all amount nolless than $ . which amount shall he incrcased yearly in <br />"/ proportion to the illl'lc/lse in mnrket value of the premiset If Landlord provides allY insurance herein. Tennnl shall pay to <br />LlIndlord. during the (rrlll hrreof. Ihe amount of any increase ill pr('miums for the insurnnee required over and above such <br />premiums paid during the first year of this lease. .Tcnant shall provide public lillhilily nnd property damage Insurance for its <br />busines.~ operulions 011 Ihe leased premises WqIi~K~li~{(XXXXxxxxxXXl(j'Ut~~W<miH:tH~}(~~~}is <br />. ::6%~IKthl}1\e)l~ct~M~~lt~~lt"~{i\lKUx}(~~XeT~~81J{rtdHfec~81NlI=iJ"M~~~Xd <br />~~l%~~}f~'~~~~l.{\MR)nfP'~W~f5VitR'~(J~ri~~~e <br />~V'1~lH.~I\~~~PCKeTtin. Tenant shall be solely responsible for fire and casualty insurance on Tenant's <br />, property on or ahoutthc leased premises. IK:tlllHU1lliQrOS}f1:otC"MkK2t!1~rcl~lUUf~Jl~fUlWltM~H~lf~>tJlllnltQW"'1iy <br />.'" "Rti&ooltttooflK.cbdiKmXDalmIeolHkdocllUl~m1>>:UlutmKkwk1m1){xxxxx~~~~1Sn <br />') 'xbowtltgC:dt~MK~Jtij~}(.rc:~J{~f4liam~lJ(IK11~X~~PQ~tw)flPi~lPi~~~~Jili~=io <br />~HtstY~~~~I(H\~~J\li~~~n~~~t1it~fi~ll~m~rt~XftlY8X~f~~s <br />il~R~xkmaml}(llxcbnbJ\Rxmtl}pl)CbHcb~cmntxg:lplidxooeqH!lKtcKu~J{ukcbl~e <br />,rc:m4l!mx~~XN'~~)(~~1t~~Nlltfffslme~~l1~~WXXXxxxxxxx~~~}C~ <br />:fmmti1xxblcootx~1OOlK~~~~Ht. <br /> <br />n __"1............_... ,...~ ..........., ..""..n..... J . <br /> <br />. I ~ .J ____u~_ JL_ t____.J ___.u!___ !.... :... _.._....__, _. :.. ...__...1:.:_.... ". <br />