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<br />- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />PITrSBURG TANli & TOWER CO., INC. <br /> <br />P. O. BOX 91:1. HENDERSON. KENTUCI<Y 42419.0913. Tl;L. (~02) 828.9000. FAX (502) 827'4417 <br />,.AINT. RePAIR · DISMANTl! 'INSP ECT · TANICSI\A/SEO, lOWERED AIlD MOVED. New AND USED TANKS <br /> <br />DATE: November 19, 1998 <br />TO: City o(l'aris <br />P.O. Box '9037 <br />Paris, ~ 75461-9037 <br /> <br />SINCE 1019 <br /> <br />AITENTION: Herb Campbell <br />Director of Utilities <br /> <br />lAmord.a.. wllh ,h. price, t.rmllad' ,oadilloalli Il.d h'"ia, w. prop... '0 la.p.d yoar ~OO,ooo flJlJ!U devlI.d <br />...t'r flo~. ,ad provldo you wllh col.r ph.locnph., ",o..mead,fi.o., ,ad colt ..limlle1, l'Jeu.rovIew fhll Prop",1 <br />IDd Iddress your reply to our omcc ae Henderson, Kentucky. <br /> <br />· W. .gree'0 l\Ihll,h .11 labor, ...'.rI.l, 'qalpm.., 1.l1Ir.... a"....'Y I. la.p'<1 yourwat" IIOng. <br />· n'hlllo.p.".d will Includ. (buI nol h. ...Iricl.d I.) Ildd.r" .h.lI, ...r,, ...t mlaw,y, Weldl, weld "'''~ <br />shell course, roubdallon and Inferior helter ~lpe. <br />· Itrhll fink II. 'o"'ph'rlAI .I,vlled flair, .ur prl,'1I bl/.d .a Ih. taak b'Yi.g I.lphoa pipe. <br />.' ".ne Ilhk will b. In,peel'd 10 ,alU.. compll.o.. with .11 'urreal OSlIA, EPA, AWWA, ud N/lPA-22 <br />' requlrtments. <br />· The t='nk's JtruduralllltegrUy will be evaluated. <br />· All ~Gflible sources or cODCamlutlob, Indud,JlIg vent JCreebla, and overflow pipe will be reviewed. <br />· O.r po"'uh.1 ImplOlll.nt I ..ano.d .nlty prog.... p.."dure la ,'ri,1 cohtollDe... wfth 2.l CFIl "10,14' <br />OSHA, 1Vbleb beCllme effective AprU14. 1993. <br />· No, "'elUded In Ihil propo,,1 are lh. h.ndllng. re...val, 'hd/or dbpo..1 .r hezardoa, ..aurlab (a,hellos, I.od, <br />chemicals, fiberglass or tby like Jubstance that must be l:aken to I specific dUII}p/dbpo611 site. <br />' Thl. Proposal 40es bot inchlde clean-out <br /> <br />Visual inspection with the foJIowing tests: <br />Ullra-Sonic test (Metal thickness test) <br />H~'1' MeL1Js rest ([0 derennine lead content) <br />Cross hatch test (paint adhesion) <br /> <br />AIl the above {or the sum of...... .."" """ ", ""...."" ..".. "'" .... .. . ,.. ,., '" '" ,,$5,000.00 <br />Five Thou$Jlnd Dollars and NOlI 00 <br />....-.-. <br /> <br />Our price also includes writing the specifications for bid. <br /> <br />Warning; Do not aOllcl. aoy addition.lIloDdJog to yout lankIlower unJe.u ,lruclumllntegrlty I, known to be <br /> <br />sufficient For analysis caU PT &T. <br /> <br />Terms: Upon Completion <br /> <br />no panl.. .PP......'lblo ........ "nil\' !ho' "'.y... ""'y."lIoorlle4 .. .. .., "'!h" oIll'l~ ..I......." .... .... ....pIJd ldIL. <br />y" ..", ..Lorfn. ',llonWb 0111...., ...,"'... ...."",.. ...Iu...... ...1..... .. ....'1..."'...........<<.... .. 1110 ..... <br />ro 0 (orwhlc:h f undet11 ntd I renlo · fhe RJnC)wd IIlenf/o e snJd rll oul. d nttllnlln f he fthnl (bfreo," <br /> <br />I <br />II \11,: <br />, ~ i "),, <br />~ j I'" <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />ACCEPTED Dec. 14, 1998 <br /> <br /> <br />RESl>ECTFULL Y SUBMIITED: <br /> <br />City or Par~, T~ <br /> <br />'\ <br /> <br />PlrrSBURG T ANI< & TOWER. CaMP ANY,lNC. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br /> <br />BY: ,1)~-Jn:... ; <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />TITLE: DON JOHNSTON PRESIDENT <br /> <br />BY: <br />. Chnnes H. Neeley <br />TITI.E: Mayor <br /> <br />ALL QUOTES SUDJECTiO ACCEPTANCE WITInN 30 DAYS. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />