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<br />08/29/2007 10:14 <br /> <br />9097840555 <br /> <br />PARISWORKFDRCECENTER <br /> <br />PAGE 04/04 <br />VVWW.IHEPARI: <br /> <br />Rota ry <br /> <br />FROM p., <br /> <br />"POlitical ju\'enUes." <br />"k, the Sunnis and Kurds <br />" come \n8Itther and as they get <br />stronger they will got more <br />dean," Harper ~aid of Iraqi <br />politics. <br />The soldier did not speak <br />of tl'QQp withdrawal oth<:r <br />than to say he belil!Wll u.s. <br />[orca will. be there ror some <br />time to come. <br />Harper 5J?<Ilce about the <br />prot'C5sionalism ciemonstrat- <br />ed by U.s. forces and the <br />resp<<t shown Americans by <br />most Iraqis. <br />"We set the standard," <br /> <br />Holland said. "E~ those <br />that don't" like us, respe~t us," <br />Harper expressed pride in <br />his oountry and in the mili- <br />tary. <br />"Nem in my Iik was J <br />mOre prond to be an <br />American," Harper .said o( <br />serving in Baghdad. "There is <br />no comparison to the United <br />States forces and everybody <br />else. <br />"When you talk about the <br />ICYtI of detail, it is amazi~g, it <br />is moclting," Ruper empha- <br />sj~d. "It is amuing how <br />good we are;" <br /> <br /> <br />"We are ~e for oil, but <br />not {or tb.. purposes the <br />media spins it;' Harper Mid. <br />'Oil means cash llow and <br />energy and if countries do <br />JlOt ha"" the ability to ha"" <br />energy cnrything shuts <br />down." <br />"The media spins it. but it <br />is about securing our way of <br />life; Harper said. <br />The captain expressed <br />optimism the Iraqis ...1Il <br />come together politically but <br />termed leaders there as <br /> <br />Commissioner <br /> <br /> <br />--t:ivu~ (W <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />FROM ....1 <br /> <br />mation declaring tbe <br />month of November 2007 <br />to be "Hire a Veteran <br />Month" and to encourage <br />all city and county busi- <br />nessea to provide employ- <br />ment opportuni1ies to those <br />who have served in the <br />anned forces. <br />She told COmmiuioners <br />the Texas VeteUDa <br />Commission and Tm:;8S <br />Workforce Development <br />Board will plan and sponsor <br />the largest job expo Paris <br />has CVtt held. <br />"1b make this Illtpo suc- <br />cessful, [ IU that }'tIu tab: <br />awneuhip and partnership <br />with the city- and colJlmuni. <br />ty to make the first Veter <br /> <br />focused Job Fair the best <br />and make this Veterans Day <br />)J.\ November a day for all to <br />remember," Diclc;son said. <br />Commissione~ voted to <br />dedare November as "Hire a <br />Veteran Month' <br />uperv. e p1'C:!enr a et- <br />ter he had. sent Texas <br />Department of Transpor- <br />tatiem regarding a request <br />for $Z15,021 in county <br />fu.uds for right-of-way pur- <br />chases for US 271 SQuth and <br />US 82 &.5t proJects. <br />In the letter, Snpervilk <br />afked TxDOT to allow the <br />county to make incremental <br />payments over three years <br />for the projects. <br />"I asked they allow us to <br /> <br />pay $75,000 the flrst year, <br />$75,000 the second and the <br />remllinder in the third year," <br />5uperviIle said. <br />CommissiOners received <br />a report flOm COUll.t)' <br />Treasurer Shitley Fults that <br />shows the count}' i. in good <br />.hllpe as it moves into the <br />final month of this fiscal <br />year. There are more than <br />$8 million in available <br />funds, she reported. <br />"How thankful we <br />shonld be as a countv for <br />tbe fund balances we 'have <br />now," she said. KSome other <br />counties have to wait for <br />funds to come in to pay <br />bills." <br />"Thank you for the pro. <br /> <br />grams you <br />and for you <br />SuperviUe 5i <br />Commiss <br />action in en <br /> <br />that it had been, witb th <br />start of the 12-day sick time <br />Oct. I - the beginning 0 <br />the new budget year. <br />The side time had been <br />lowered because of alleged <br />abuse by at least one county <br />employee. <br />":Because one may have <br />abused the sick time, I don't <br />think we .hould punbh the <br />rest fOr that," Commissione <br />Lonnie Layton said. <br />"It was a busiuen deci- <br />sion and had IlOthing to do <br />with One perion: Fullard <br />aid <br />~ Susan DicIcson' of Paris <br />/' Workforce Center uked <br />l;orrunissioDers to declare, <br />along with the City of Parls, <br />a joint city-county proda- <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />Now! 1 <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />Here are a few fuel-saVing tips from Ford... <br /> <br /> <br />+- <br /> <br />On <br /> <br /> <br />All Roads <br />lead To <br />Paris <br />PARIS FORD · 3411 N.E. LOOP 288 . 800-583-5578 <br />Shop Onlne: www.lJ8ri$ <br />Illes: M-Uem-7jli1l SlitIIitf-8bm