<br />08/29/2007 10:14
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<br />91397840555
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<br />PAGE 03/134
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<br />T~I,,:'I~:';:';:rr!'..,.1 AUGUST 28, 2007 ESTABLISHED 1869' Vol. 138, No, 43 wvm.THEPARISNEWSCOM
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />mRS PAY
<br />).$. OPEN
<br />
<br />
<br />It's official
<br />
<br />POLl.
<br />r *-write
<br />, M: the Reel
<br />, FaIr?
<br />
<br />Carruth takes on City Mana
<br />ch""-'icho,d.ilftl\ep...."""'",.Q'"
<br />
<br />Marilyn Bdla"'llnce, 262
<br />Northeast 25th St.: Chris
<br />Brown, 4650 Deer I-TaRn
<br />Lane; Bruce Fr'?i"r, 580
<br />South",'est 25tb St.; Charles
<br />Fulbright. 1008 Northeast
<br />17th St.; John House, 1446
<br />Clarhvi.lle St,; Oscar
<br />Johnson, 719 Ash St.; Jim
<br />la..'iter. 725 Southea,t 42nd
<br />St.; Cherl't Moore, 3030
<br />Northwest 19tb St.; Jerome
<br />Pipkcl1s, 2205 Somheast 40th
<br />St.; Zacb Saffle, 22J.3
<br />Hubbard St.: and Don r.vlor,
<br />515 Bunker St. '
<br />All had expressed interest
<br />at an ecoq>lorntorymeeting 'as1
<br />month.
<br />City staff plans to meet
<br />with the task force, which
<br />duting a period of week., will
<br />revi"W cit}' ordinal1oes and
<br />
<br />det
<br />nee
<br />
<br />Paris City Council official.
<br />ly welcomed new city ma,nag-
<br />er Kevin Carruth aboard
<br />Monday night, thEu
<br />appointEd R H-mernber
<br />task fort;!! to work with
<br />him on one of the
<br />COWJcil's top priori-
<br />ties during the next
<br />12 months - cleal1-
<br />ing up the city.
<br />The council appoiI;lt-
<br />ed to the task fora: 1] resi"
<br />dents, pJU$ a tcpresen tative
<br />each from Keep Paris
<br />Beautiful (Bee Garl1lon).
<br />Paris Economic
<br />De,'elopment Corp. (Pete
<br />lCa.mpfer) and the media
<br />(Charles Richards).
<br />Other selections arc
<br />
<br />'T1ent 20.2%
<br />
<br />mo
<br />me:
<br />(
<br />Wll
<br />fore
<br />for
<br />COt
<br />and
<br />WU
<br />
<br />b'"
<br />
<br />,;'" 14.6%
<br />
<br />~5.6'"
<br />
<br />pos:
<br />forc
<br />wiH
<br />said.
<br />,..
<br />
<br />\ ~,)~~~, ',:~ ~ ;~;}~"~'..'. ~'
<br />~' . 5-~~::'t
<br />:;,'<:~~~';;
<br />,.J
<br />,,",,
<br />
<br />ben
<br />111er
<br />that
<br />the
<br />
<br />II> 1,1%
<br />
<br />N$wly hired Paris City Manager Kevin Carruth raises I
<br />Monday nigfrt during the Paris crt)' COllncil meating.
<br />sworn in by Municipal Judge ThomR~ HtJl1t III.
<br />
<br />Fair
<br />
<br />
<br />County Commissioners
<br />set preliminary tax rate
<br />
<br />o\ctivities
<br />I Showcas~
<br />
<br />)ibits
<br />hibits
<br />
<br />to the county. IiC'l: 5:30 p.m. Monday, Sept,
<br />"r think we should return 10, as the date to officially
<br />at!east half that to the tax" adopt the new budget,
<br />g~y. ers,.': Polla. rd.. "W. e. ue'''id1.llh~W~ av>.il.l~ funds,
<br />5J~A~"'~','(f422 mitllon. making I'he
<br />payers deserve some oh'liat . bJdget economically ;;ound.
<br />money back." ' " The court aho re~
<br />Because of II drop in the an earlier decision to cut
<br />county's effective tax rate, paid ~ck time for county
<br />keeping the county rtItI: the emplQ)'l'ES to five days per
<br />same is cO~j;idered a tax Year.
<br />i.ocrease for Lamar COmlly. '''That cut drastically
<br />County Judge Chuck affected the morale of
<br />Superville said half the county employees."
<br />increase in taJCel; is coming Superville said. "I think we ;
<br />from Dew property being should show the employees
<br />added to the roIL. an d half we support them. I don't
<br />from rev:i.ed property evaI- think this will affect the tax
<br />uations. . rate or our expenditures
<br />Pollard suggested the since mosl'of the empfoyees
<br />county drop the tax rare do not take their sick leave."
<br />from what it was last year to Commissioners then
<br />allow laxpayers to share in returned the sick time to 12
<br />tile good forttuH:s of the days 01" 96 hours per year
<br />county,
<br />Commi>1sionerg voted to COMMISSIONERS P"14
<br />
<br />biIlt>oo1ki"''''~op...i<n........m
<br />
<br />~, ..' No, one stepped rorward
<br />~;i\! <';'fff';" spea\ either' for or
<br />.' '.' agginst Lamar County's
<br />proposed tax rate and fiscal
<br />yesr 2007-2008 cOllDtybud-
<br />gel Monday when Lamar
<br />County commissioners
<br />met.
<br />Commissioners hav.: set
<br />a. prelim.inary lalC rate at
<br /><M.29 t;ell!S per $100 evalua-
<br />tion for a proposed 518 mil-
<br />lion budget, and lID (al' have
<br />received little attention
<br />from the public regarding
<br />~ither the rate or the brn:1-
<br />'gd.
<br />Commissioner Rodney
<br />PoBlUd W8$ the only onoe ~
<br />oppose the prc;lpo..~ed lU
<br />raile, the same as I~t year
<br />but expected to bring in
<br />$560,000 additional money
<br />
<br />leek-on
<br />
<br />~Dts
<br />etor Pull
<br />ospcl Music
<br />
<br />Capt. Holland Harper S1:<lnds befon
<br />self in battJe fatigues and prowctiv
<br />speaks to the Great..r Pari$ Rotary
<br />ences in Iraq al1d his impressions 0
<br />photo w~s 1:<Iken during hi~ tour 0
<br />US Army.
<br />
<br />etire
<br />
<br />.....
<br />, ~ ,
<br />
<br />Rotary salutes Pi
<br />Caotain horr
<br />