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Lamar County - Paris Economic Development Plan <br />Introduction <br />In some communities... Local governments have the financial resources to provide not only <br />police and fire departments, but also money to create parks and recreation programs, well - <br />maintained streets and sewers, and necessary capital projects, even though taxes are low. Local <br />government and community leaders spend time planning for a dynamic future, not burdened with <br />how they will cope with the needs of the present. <br />The downtown is clean, crisp, and vibrant, and is the center of community activity. <br />Neighborhoods are safe, full of well- manicured lawns and homes, which are kept like new <br />because of the pride the people have in their community. <br />The corporate and business community is a generous giver to cultural projects and programs, <br />which enlighten the residents. Most people have short commutes to their jobs, freeing hours of <br />their day to spend time with their families and friends. <br />Schools are well financed, filled with the top teachers and modern equipment, providing the <br />community's children the best chance to prepare for a dynamic future. The best and brightest <br />students come home after college to find good career jobs waiting for them, who in turn raise <br />their families in their "home town," building generations within the community, adding to its <br />social strength. <br />In other communities... Local governments struggle financially to provide even the basic <br />services, burdened with the cost of caring for the needy, the impoverished, the unemployed, and <br />taxes are as high as the people can afford. <br />The downtown lays dormant, full of vacant stores, which attract indigent occupants. Homes, with <br />barred windows, stand in disrepair, with trash and broken down automobiles littering lawns full <br />of tall grass. Churches and charities have little to give to the people except hope for a better <br />future. <br />Under - funded schools do their best to "fill the day" for the youth of the area as they have few <br />resources to cope with the overcrowded and understaffed classrooms. The smartest youth must <br />leave the area to find financial opportunity in another town. <br />The difference between these two communities is the condition of their local economies. One is <br />growing economically and is vibrant, the other declining and growing poorer. <br />Communities cannot control the national or state economy. But they can create programs, which <br />will enhance the condition of their local economy. Throughout the United States, thousands of <br />communities have established economic development programs. Some are very aggressive, <br />others passive in their effort. <br />However, communities, which do nothing, are destined to endure a declining economy, causing <br />the quality of life for their residents to erode, as they will gradually become poorer and poorer. <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation Page 6 <br />