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<br />Mr. Shawn Napier, P.E. <br />July 18, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />sampling activities, assessment piezometers P-13, P-14 and replacement piezometer p- <br />lOA were installed. Groundwater sampling and analyses were completed in June and <br />December 1998. These analytical results (from about 8.5 years ago) indicated VOCs in <br />groundwater at concentrations exceeding EP A drinking water standards were present at <br />the northern landfill boundary (in piezometers P-l1, P-13 and P-14), and had migrated off <br />site beyond the southeast landfill boundary (in the vicinity of piezometers P-2 and P-3). <br />Based on conversations with City personnel, no leachate has been pumped from the <br />landfill since at least 1998. According to Mr. Arten Avachian of the TCEQ, no required <br />projectsummary report summarizing these activities has been submitted to the TCEQ. <br />Our review of TCEQ correspondence, the City's project files, and WBC's case files <br />indicate WBC does not have a complete set of landfill case records. <br /> <br />Proposed Services <br /> <br />This proposal's services are based on available project information, and are designed to <br />. "' ..". ", -,.'.. . <br />address the previously noted TCEQ irivestigati6ii reqUirements fot"the' site and to' <br />':deterrnine if a persistent groundwater VOCcontainination issues are present. . If <br />. groundwater contamination abovetheEPA drinking water standards is not reported in the <br />proposed sampling events, the project status report will present a plan to allow the site to <br />exit the postclosure period. In the event persistent groundwater contamination is' <br />confirmed by the proposed groundwater analyses, the project status report will contain a <br />Remediation Plan. <br /> <br />Task 1 - TCEQ Response Letter <br /> <br />WBC will prepare an initial TCEQ response letter that briefly summarizes the project <br />activities completed since 1998 and the City's future project plans described in this <br />proposal's Tasks 3, 4, and 5. The purpose of this letter is to avoid a possible TCEQ NOV <br />(notice of violation) letter while the landfill is collecting additional groundwater data and <br />preparing a course of action. Two draft copies of the initial respqnse letter will be <br />prepared and submitted to the City for review. After incorporation of mutually-agreed <br />City suggestions and changes, five final copies of the TCEQ response letter will be <br />submitted to the City and TCEQ. <br /> <br />Task 2 - TCEQ Record Search <br /> <br />As noted in the project understanding, the available information indicates WBC lacks <br />previous investigation report information. To better plan project strategy and avoid <br />duplicating previous investigation activities, WBC will procure the services of a TCEQ <br />file search fIrm to obtain all available case records in the TCEQ's Austin archives. 'WBC <br />will make a duplicate set of the TCEQ information obtained for the City's records. <br /> <br />Q,ICITY OF PARISlPROPOSALIGW PROPOSAL 07.07.DOC <br /> <br />o)f~/f/ f!lJfX)4/ e&o..ntW./~.<Y <br />