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<br />Mayor Eric S. Clifford, City of Paris, MSW Permit No. 144 <br />Groundwater Investigation Report and Future Activities <br />January 21, 1998 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />· Conduct a complete inventory and provide documentation on the status of all existing and past <br />monitor wells, including any that have been plugged and abandoned, As requested in Part B of our <br />previous letter, dated January 29, 1997, please inspect the condition of all existing monitor wells <br />and piezometers, both on and off the site, and determine which should be plugged and abandoned. <br />Information in our files suggests that there may be as many as 26 wells and piezometers (MW-l <br />through MW-5, MW-IA through MW-llA, P-l through P-6, and P-9 through P-I2), of which at <br />least 12 are on neighboring property(ies). Please document as completely as possible: (1) the <br />present condition of each well (including concrete pads); (2) construction details (including <br />elevation of ground surface, total well depth, elevation oftop of filter pack and top of well screen, <br />casing material, and type of seal); (3) current water level (elevation) in each well; and (4) any . <br />other significant information. <br /> <br />Please implement the recommendations of the Groundwater Investigation, including the modifications <br />outlined above, within 60 days from the date of this letter. Please also provide a written response to this <br />letter within the 60 days. All submittals, including the cover letter should be in triplicate (one original and <br />two photocopies). Please include the pennit number for the site and the name of the county on all <br />documents, and our internal mail code in the mailing address ("Me 124" appearing by itself on the first <br />line) on all envelopes and correspondence. <br /> <br />If you have any questions about this letter, please call Mr. Arten 1. Avakian, Geologist, at (512) 239~4419. <br /> <br />As our customer, your opinion is important to us in our strengths and weaknesses. Please take <br />a few minutes to complete the enclosed TNRCC Customer Survey and return it to us. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />0Jkv ~u <br /> <br />Ada Lichaa, Team Leader <br />Groundwater Monitoring Team <br />Municipal Solid Waste Division <br />AALI AJA <br /> <br />Enclosure <br /> <br />cc: Mr. Mike Brashear, Waste Program Manager, TNRCC Region 5 Field Office <br />Mr. Earl E. Smith, P:E., Paris City Engineer <br />Mr. A. Richard Smith, Senior Hydrogeologist, EMCON, Ft. Worth <br /> <br />