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(a) <br />As presented in the draft ordinance. <br />(b) <br />Change the height to 36 inches. <br />(c) <br />The minimum percent open area to be 50 percent. <br />(d) <br />As presented in the draft ordinance. <br />4. Corner lot fence requirements. <br />(b) this section will be deleted. <br />(c) Other fence standards: <br />(3) Revise this section so that it applies only to fences facing rights-of-way, <br />parks, or the like. <br />Prohibited conditions. <br />(1) Lisa Wright was asked to clarify this wording. She stated she would pull the wording <br />from the sign ordinance and include it here. <br />(3) The sentence will read: No fence shall be constructed on a vacant lot past the front <br />building line of the adjacent property. <br />(5) This section will be deleted. <br />(8) The word "deny" will replace the word "obstruct." <br />(10) This section will be deleted. <br />(11) The last sentence will be deleted. <br />(12) The words "masonry block" will be deleted and replaced with the words "hadite or <br />cinder block." <br />(13) The words "as to" will be replaced with "that." <br />Permits required. <br />In each section, the words "or his designee" will be inserted after building official. <br />(5) This section will be deleted. <br />The Committee completed their review with the section on Duty and Responsibilities of <br />