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Section 3. That the City Council will give due consideration and weight to the findings and <br />recommendations of the Lake Pat Mayse Water Study Committee and if the Committee finds that <br />excess raw water exists at Lake Part Mayse and they recommend that the City negotiate the sale of <br />this water with potential water customers outside Lamar County, Texas, then this City Council urges <br />future City Councils to consider putting the issue to a vote of the citizens of Paris. <br />Section 4. That this resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage. <br />DULY PASSED AND APPROVED this 24t'' day of March, 2008. <br />Jesse James Freelen, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Janice Ellis, City Clerk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />W. Kent McIlyar, City Attorney <br />