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3. Discussion of and possible action on recommending the adoption of a comprehensive <br />parking ordinance <br />Chairman Wilson inquired. of the Committee if they wanted to proceed with general <br />discussion or a detailed review. Marilyn Belevance said she preferred to do directly into an in depth <br />review of the proposed ordinance. Pete Kampfer asked. why some of the ordinance was grayed out, <br />and Lisa Wright stated that the sections in gray are the technical provisions of the ordinance, and the <br />Task Force was welcome to review them; however, they're based on standards practices and State <br />requirements. <br />Lisa Wright informed the Committee that the proposed ordinance Sections 10-102 and 10- <br />103, the list of uses and minimum requirements, were more comprehensive and more current. She <br />stated the current ordinance had been on the books since the 1970s, and the dust-free ordinance <br />section since 1989. Lisa Wright also stated that a business owner who made an expansion to or <br />changed the use of his building would be required to bring the parking lot up to code under the new <br />ordinance. <br />Chairman Wilson said they should exercise caution when making decisions about the <br />ordinance because they wanted to be fair and promote growth. <br />Chairman Wilson. moved to Sections 10-102 and 10-103. On recommendation of staff, a <br />Motion to approve Sections 10-102 and 10-103 was made by Bee Garmon and seconded by Council <br />Member Brown. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Chairman Wilson moved to Section 10-104. Sub-Section (a) was discussed at length by the <br />Committee, specifically whether or not to have screening next to a residence and whether parking <br />should be allowed at the front of a building that was next to a residence. It was a consensus of the <br />Committee to have staff re-word sub-section (a) and bring back to the next meeting. Chairman <br />Wilson also asked staff to bring a copy of the current ordinance red-lined. for review by the <br />Committee. It was a consensus of the Committee to delete sub-sections (b) and (d). <br />Chairman Wilson inquired of staff as to how to deal with the size of trucks that could or <br />could not be parked in driveways, and he asked if we could add motor homes to the list of things that <br />cannot be parked. on the street. Lisa Wright said parking on the street was already handled through <br />the traffic ordinance as far as semis go; however, she said she would get with Chief Louis to expand <br />what vehicles we might add to that. <br />Chairman Wilson moved to Sections 10-1.05 and 10-106. After review, it was a consensus <br />of the Committee to approve the sections as written. <br />Chairman Wilson moved to Section 10-108. It was a consensus of the Committee to approve <br />sub-sections (a)(1-9) and to delete sub-section (10)(a-d). <br />Chairman Wilson moved to Section 10-109. It was a consensus of the Committee to delete <br />the last sentence of the paragraph. <br />~. ,~~ <br />