Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
<br />Grant Application for Texas Recreationai Trails Fund
<br />Please describe in the space below the source of funds, donations, or in-kind contributions that will make
<br />up the sponsor's match (at least 20%). You may include government appropriations; private donations of
<br />land, easement, cash, labor, materials, and equipment; or in-house labor, equipment, and materials.
<br />The City of Paris's (COP) source of sponsor's match will be from cash grants to the project via the
<br />following community organizations:
<br />. Keep Paris Beautiful $5,000
<br />. Paris Kiwanis Club $5,000
<br />. Lamar County Chamber of
<br />Commerce/Paris Economic
<br />Development Commission $5,000
<br />• Lamar County Power Partners $5,000
<br />$20,000
<br />The Lamar County Historical Society will donate their iron truss bridge to span the flood control ditch
<br />bisecting the railway corridor. Please see enclosed support documentation. The COP will supply the
<br />remaining 20% project match by in-kind and cash contributions.
<br />In the space below, briefly describe the identified commitment to continued operation and
<br />maintenance of the project. Please indicate who will be responsible for which tasks and who will finance
<br />them.
<br />Upon project completion, the COP is prepared to be responsible for the maintenance and landscaping
<br />necessary to ensure that the Trail de Paris extension is kept safe and in good condition at all times.
<br />Landscaping, litter control, and maintenance of the trailhead facilities will be the responsibility of the COP
<br />Parks Department. It is estimated that the annual cost for these responsibilities wiil be approximately
<br />$800.00. The source of these maintenance funds will be the COP Parks Department operating budget.
<br />The Paris Police Department (PPD) will provide public safety, and security, The PPD facility is adjacent to
<br />the Trail de Paris and they have created an asphalt path to directly access the trail system. The "Friends
<br />of the Trail" organization, various other trail user support groups are working in concert with the City of
<br />Paris to aid in maintenance, safety and security of the Trail.
<br />Provide in the space below a brief description of the benefits of the proposed project in terms of the
<br />projecYs quality, geographic scope, recreational needs that are to be met, and expected amount of trail
<br />use or population to be served.
<br />This new section of trail will be a gateway to the Church Street and Downtown Historical Districts and
<br />their many recreational, educational, and governmental sites. It will provide safe accessibility for 5,681
<br />Central and West Paris residents of which 1,207 are of school age to the centrally located, well-utilized,
<br />2.5-mile Trail de Paris recreational traii.
<br />In this trail expansion targeted area 31 % of households or 712 are below $15,000 annual income and
<br />49% or 1115 households earn below $25,000 annually. Median household income for Paris is $27,400.
<br />Economically, this trail extension will add and improve the ease of access for bicyclists and pedestrians to
<br />such destinations as Bywaters Park where the summer Municipal Band concerts are held, the historic
<br />Wise House and nearby ball fields, Heritage Park and the adjacent Lamar County Chamber of Commerce
<br />and Historical Museum, the Chism Monument burial site, Culbertson Fountain in the center of the Main
<br />Street District, Sam Bell Maxey Museum, Market Square where local farmers seil produce, Main Street art
<br />galleries, museums, and shopping, Paris City Hall and Public Library, the Lamar County Courthouse and
<br />Health Department, and nearby Justiss elementary school. P/ease see enc%sed,oroject site map.
<br />This off road recreation trail network will provide a safe learning environment to teach and improve our
<br />children's' bicycling skilis, so they can bicycle to school and recreation facilities. It will provide 1,207
<br />4
<br />51
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