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Regular Agenda <br />10. Second Reading on an ordinance amending the existing gas <br />franchise between the City of Paris and Atmos Energy <br />Corporation, and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and <br />execute all necessary documents. <br />1 l.Deliberate and act on a resolution approving an application for an <br />Automobile Burglary & Theft Prevention Grant for continuation of <br />our existing Auto Theft Task Force in the amount of $138,915.00 <br />with $51,729.00 to be provided by the City of Paris in the form of <br />cash and $14,400.00 in the form of in-kind services; and <br />authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute all <br />necessary documents. <br />12.Deliberate and act on setting dates and times for workshops of city <br />facilities and council and staff development. <br />13.Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City <br />Staff pursuant to Resolution No. 2004-081. <br />14.Deliberate on possible future agenda items. <br />15 . Adj ournment. <br />Certification <br />I certify that the above notice of ineeting was posted on the bulletin board in the City Hall Annex, 150 First <br />St. SE, Paris, Texas, no later than 6:00 p.m. on May 23, 2008. <br />Janice Ellis, City Clerk <br />Suecial Accommodations <br />This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for special <br />accommodations or interpretive services must be made forty-eight (48) hours prior to this meeting. Please <br />contact Janice Ellis at (903) 784-9248 or (903) 784-9291 for assistance. <br />