<br />NOV-30-2007(FRI) 16:05 CENTURy 21 EXECUTIVE RERLITy (FRX)9037847185
<br />9. DU8 Dt1.1GENC6 lh1SPEG"IZQN: Buyer shpll }avn ►asorI&6lC acaess tp tl'+c NCop~"rtY Y+5{'
<br />tttt ptttpOse pf InspoddRg ICs ptlyslenl caulition mid petfarming ather (avostigatianr °trc ~pna r p hal~l
<br />the suimbilily rnd feaaibility of the Proporry far Buycrs p~^apus~,tt t~e. Buye~'s Insp &h~
<br />GicludC peitorming soil tasts, esivironment4i tests or nudics, fotindation cad mechantasl Inspaecianp, and
<br />such ptltet insneottons n Buycr ma}' " onablY !lowrmlue ara neCmary ur deslrnblC, parfoiyn',ng
<br />devotapmenk plnnfttnp, ongineering, !'ensibiliq' and otl+er studies, rtv{ewinb appliaable steie, ECde►ni and
<br />local la-,vs, revic+w;ng nl1 tcasts, cantnccs aiid a6cnemnnts affoatlqg tha Prupcrty. aitd pdi'fornting sucli
<br />adzer ixssts, ravInws and iave.seipcivns und obcn{nbng suclti approvals a.s Buyer doams ndmsa►'y pr
<br />appraprim. Oluyao eltaU itldamniiy mid hcld 6tiller harmlt9s Erom and apifut any und nll toss, coSt,
<br />expense and liab(ltty itri3+ng out of Buytses dua dillg4aw iaucaIgnttou oP dic Prot~~ insrov~Ctiidadons
<br />(10W4YC[, that Buye1' 61ta11 ttat ba k'~PonsEble tar any nxistiag Conditic~ns on the propdt'q~• P
<br />Q~ l~.~,ur;~tleiis shall bc at Buyer`s uxpense, A~ all times prior to dta expiedtivn of dic lnspwuon
<br />t'erind (as hereinaftdc dntInad), SsUer st,au atlow Buyvr and Its coonsel, ncaaunmnts, or othet
<br />teppesa~~tat►~vs to llave full access during rGasbitabla hours to die PmpGrtyl SubjGGt ta dia riLhts of any
<br />tenunts oF the Propti'tY, and Snllar sholl Fismish t3uytte wlth all t,lPurmatio exm~ s oblibutions
<br />eondition cr fiaanc'~ul aspaots of the Praparty us 8uyer mny rrunnabtY rec~uest ~uy
<br />updar this Contruat are cantingent upuq tltbCw llispactiona at►d .invnstigaCioua revealftig tkaC dto phyeianl
<br />condit;on Ynd otlia• ugpeects of ehm Propety m mistnacary to Buyer, in Buyvr'5 sQIC apLilon. It Buyer is
<br />nat satisfied with dhe physical otindldpn or other aspeots af the Pi'clpertY, Buyer ►nay dleCt ta tetminate
<br />this CoptXacT, p►bvlded dlaiitliS olracian ntuSt lye made 6y writtCn no[ice. m Seller by Au•~, u„y.~~ ~Y~°~a
<br />.
<br />(tho "tncpvccidn Pertod"), If Buyer,elecrs to itrminate t6is Cocrtract widhtn rhis slme Po r u11 EsrncSt
<br />Buyer und this
<br />Muney snd oCior sutns dnpQSlred undar dlis Conirack aha1t be ~~med proropUy
<br />Cuntract ghall be nuU and vaid. [f. lwwadtr, Buy4r dnes not elect to cerminatn thia Contmec wilhin this
<br />6me period'Ale conCingdnaY staiad 'ln ehis pai-asraph ahall Iiavt baan wbtved by Suyar a►►d Buycr shall de
<br />oblicated zo proerxcl with the Clasing oP khls transwtion mil to u&Apt tl» ProPerry in tht+ condltia►i
<br />Cr.isting ac tiie HfYtCtlvu Dute, oiyiinaey N4eur and• ctiAr oua4pted.
<br />10. RAAL ESTA'C`E BItOKER: Stllti' and 13uyer agree thAt Qntu -9ytdnilve &~a~tv ~l
<br />~teNlax Resltv ard tho only ~e► rsffiee brolc°rs nLptlatlng Ch~S salc ar,d Seller ugj'~ ta tbii Cpi~
<br />ude
<br />pereent Balz9 Gc►rnmissioa upoa claxlog tu~d llu~ding of rhe p~snsaCiioa. An~' p~t'ty lons throu~;h wham u ola(m to onY hru&er's, Cada~'s or otqar fee is mxde, cohn'~ry ~o thn ~p~s~en`a;ta Coitt~a~c
<br />u
<br />ubove ln this pni~agraph 10; shnll indmmni~+, dCtend and ltol ~ha ding. twithou~ luniratioii, r~►spnabl~
<br />from noy othar laas, 1',bllicy, ciumure, cast or ~p~se; tltat is in an wa
<br />Y
<br />uCtorncy's tbs, Cdurt costs and bthar te~l cxpwasas Puld or Inaureed bY the othx pBrry,
<br />telatnd tv suoh a claim. Thc provlatans nP tltis pan►graph kQ Ehall sutvive Closlna ar karminacioa vf dhis
<br />Contracv.
<br />Sa11rr agrees [o proP~tly c'cecutr $"d deltvar to Ck10'~ide Cotnpniiy to hatd in esGruw a Cidnrcal Wum►nty
<br />~:t
<br />beed. ~id aU other dooumvttits •~nd tlmds ~uyonnbly nece5sery W campleto cl* L"losing. Tha ~►etzt
<br />~ Warraaty Daod slwtl convay to 13uyec aiurkdtable 14 simplv xitle lo the Aroperry, f►tt mid atcar of all
<br />licns uad cnetuubreace6, athtlr dian the Permined Excepciom At or befare tlte Closing,l3uyroc agvcs to
<br />dolivar into esoraw w;th the Title Campany 4 ceshlu's checlt cr gum-anmed funds r-uff~cient eo satisfy hic
<br />obligatSonS undcr this Cotiuace,
<br />13. lNSURANC6► NiM3ENANCE: Sn[ler ugrno9 tc rnonn n~ ~~o ~G~utybld n~s9 ►'pY
<br />insursuce, I[ ~nv, en the Pcopotty unci! GldsUn& Soltar•shaft tnonditiotti thl'oughClosing.
<br />maimena~tcc, upkaep and re{~nfr ta the Propcrcy to muincain i► ia ite pm~~y
<br />ynrldlrlnis •
<br />Scller loidala ~ ~ ~
<br />3 .
<br />Urr,nr~ MacroaIFaM 'tb :'t0 teez/BL /tti
<br />-6. .
<br />a 000066
<br />