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NOV-30-2007(FRI) 16;05 . CENTUR9 21 EXECUTIVE RERLITy (FRK)9037847185 P.005/Oll <br />13. FQREIGN WV CS'IUCNT; SoUcr tlapMsdnta tbur Sallr':r is not n,faroi2n 15ch'san 'Is deseribed <br />in tbo Faccign lnvnstnianr in Raal Propert,y Tnx Adt and agcas ta dalivv ti aerdficuce at Ciasiag ia rJiac <br />a1'fect which shxil cauinin Sallet's tnx idenciFcak[an uumber. <br />14. TC~MfNATION: lfthis Co►tcWk ts cem►iaauzd by eithor pariy pursuant to a rtoht Wrassly <br />glven in t1ils Contrscr or upvn faiEure eY any ovntingeiioy or aondttiou preoaJont, 8uyer sl,alt ba enttdtd <br />to an lnuztsatate remnl cP t1tie Eiiri= Ntqnay danosir. uiu► neilHer parry sbaU have ai7y furdter r'tShm or <br />obllgat{0(u tlnder this Cqqtmct exnept as dtltiertvise stAted in ihi9 CQnx4et ((n pnmgmpll I S(b). <br />15. t1EPAU1% 1' . 4 h( D R E MED I E S: 5 t l l a r o r B u yer s1w11 ba irt dAuft under this Cann-nd if <br />eiiher Pails W coniply wlth uny atatertal euvunanc, aVo►nG►lt or obllgaton wlthin aiyy tfine iimits raquirocl <br />by this Contrgct. Foliewittg 2L def4u l z by oithor So l ler o r B u y c i- u n d c r t hl h C O n trx a t, t h e o d t' r. c pnrc y kliaU <br />,have the I'bllowiug n:cttodiw, sub)tot to, tha pr6isfons of parqgraph 16 af chis Conttact; <br />A. it 5aller dafi~ulcs, Buyer may (i) speartlealiY tngorec th'Ls ContrueK Bnel ebCMt' dania8es <br />saffered by IIuYer ys a reeutt af tht delay in ft adquisirlon of the Proptccy; or ((l) a:cininace diis <br />Cqnl*cc hy wriltan notioe to Seliet and, at Buyc4 optiop, puraua any it+nbdy und danages <br />avniiable a; !aw or En aquiry. i!° Buyar eloctT rownlinaw dhis Conuact, c1ie Fxcrust Monty slmll <br />Ge taturndd to Buyer ua4» Written demand. <br />. iS; as a result of a dethult undnr iliio Cancraot, eid~er Selter or Buyer dmpioys an aRUrncy La <br />radoree its rigltCS, the def'oultin6 party BWl, unloas'prohibitod tty itiw, roGnburso thn aondefaulting parry <br />For aU roasAnubid altorneY's th-ts, Courtcoscs mtA Other IcFAI e,-Nenses Incnnvd by Uu nondefauldaa pary <br />in cnnneetion wWh the datulC. <br />16. bISPQSITlON df FP►Rl'dg5'l' MdNBY ANl7 Q1`HG[t F[JNDS ANb 130CUMIINT5: !n <br />thn nhsente oF +uritten escrow Instruetions, and notwithsfanding urly otllb!' CeYins or Lhis CoIttl7t% <br />pNViding far forFoiture or refuitd ol'the 5arntsc Artoliby, tI1C Escrow Asettt shall noT dlSttibute tlic Earnm <br />Monoy or,othar eacrvwed 1'ultds ar documenm onco deposittd, without the writtvn ca►tsenr dF q{ I pprties <br />eo this ContracL A party's sipmre on a ciosing etntamant propured bY the Es=w Agont or Ticlc <br />Compnray shaU oottstirute suoh cpnsent. In dhn ahsenee o[ etther wcitren eonsnut or wftn nottce of a <br />dlspute, fgilure by either $uyrer or Sclltr to nspaod ir, writing to aaoti~flod Intter ftnm die E;erotiv Agent <br />orTitle Company, il'differenc, within fSve (5) days af tnaetpt, oit Pnilure hy eithcr Suyer $r 8t1 tr <br />wri[ten dmnand uPon the ochor pat~ty ultd upoa tha Escrow Agsnt or 'ritle CompanY, PPllctbtt, <br />rncurn ot PorPaicura of che Eara= MoneY, oCbmr rscrowcd fuads or documeltrA witWn ttva daYa after <br />iecelviipg written r14d4C of aancellntfon oF t}tig C4l1G'nt, sholl cnnscituts aonsecc m distribtitien of al! <br />4►utds and documents dopasited wltlt eliv Escraw Agant or 'fitle Company as sugge9tud in any such <br />aenifird lrtur or NmCCen demmid. , <br />~ <br />.I7. NQ'n~: all notlces, vurwcnts, aPprovul5, requesta, waivas, abjectlons pP otliec <br />cven ursuant to <br />oontmunica6on,n (coIlectivGly "iio~l~cx"} rCyuired uild~r ~h►s Canuact (oxcept ►tntlcx g' P <br />pnrs6rcpu 16 oe dtis Coutracr) shall hn lp wtitttl$ atld 911o!! 1e setvzd bY eithor eleotrpnic facsitnlle <br />sransrninsinn (Ii reepEpt ls verified mnd a 6iLmmd copy Is prompdy mailcd~ by Itand dativery, by p1tpiLid <br />ell"r~yor 1nldulo <br />-W Snllarlnltfals <br />rL.4A IAI'17 !P7 fTT <br />. 00D0b ! <br />