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NOV-30-2007(FRI) 16:06 CENTURy 21 EXECUTIVE REALITy (FAX)9037847185 P.006/Oll <br />Unttod 5tutvv aorcifletl ma11, retum recoipr ►'equesmd, or by itpu[able uvernight datiYary Wvlee <br />guarante~,~d next-day dtsliytsry and pi-pvidittg u►'FCaIpC. All 17oCiotm sl1a11 bn ttddi-cysrd to tlu pwTlks uc tho <br />rtspoLsive addresses tts snt gorclt belew, except chat arty pa'ry may, by l1pxlCe IIl CItL` m!![IlICI• providrd <br />abovo, otiange tliic uddrna Ebr all subsrquenc natleea. Noticvs shall be deatnbd Sorved and reeClvnd itpan <br />the date of Crmsmtsaian (In the casN of elL-ctmuEc Pacsimfle traimiyigsi4n), tipon dte third duy 1'p110tUIitg <br />tbC d8m pPblulling (in tlie qso of npti= mailed by Cer`afied ntail) nr upon dellvary (in all ocqcr oatss). <br />A pWs Wure flrrefusal te ncceptservice oFa notiee shall eoilstituce delivery of the nGtke. <br />. l6. BURVE'Y; Buyar uhail obmin, u tts solc tmprase, a eurranc survry of Lhe PrQporcy, prcparad <br />md oertiFibd to Buyer by a sucveyQt (iaGnsed in the smte bn wltich the Proparty 15 low+ted 1ir! the! tht <br />cerciflcum ef survty be in accai-dancr wlth the MiaUnual 3tanduH Uemil raquiremr~us far A,4TAlACSM <br />Land TitEe Surveys, eontsln a legat d,ea'ertptlon aF the Prop&rty and identffy tlie boundacies af the <br />Aropnl'ty, the dimensians thereof, the Ioettuon and dimansians oF nny unprovarnants an the Aropercy, the <br />locadon und diint~isiond af atl roavedod eastirentti on tha Prnprrty, cha lxntiun and dlmLIiWolis o'P 811 <br />easements, riahts-of-way. driv4ways, rtKds, power ►inzs, fencas iu►d nttiCNaahn~Ents on che Pcoptrty <br />whieh arv observable fratn u Yisual iiupeetion of die PropenY, and accesN co publie roeds or righls-of <br />wey. $uYpl' mrty furthor rtquire that the cortltiaute a(' suiwey oarpty tlittt nc p4rc oP tha Arppnrty lies <br />w(thin a dcsignood t9aodplttin or floqd h4xard nrea, <br />14. EX.ISTC1dG LEASFS AND CONT[2.ACf5: Mler shal] rc reaent that t iore ura np <br />aYistitte (e"ea un thi.q pron:rtw. . • <br />20. EACtNISST M4NEY DB110S171': To dla axrent pertriittud by epplicabtc taw, Sellar and <br />8uyer hercby di=C tht !,'atGrLyvtil Abent to ptace the L'snicst Monny and atlier fundd depasired with it Ar <br />the exccutipn of t1tIs Cautract in an In[erest bearltig sCCUUstt. All lnterest ond qtltct' eainin#s on the fvtids <br />yo placed shall becomo par[ oi' die Earnesr Muaay cleposil a►td shull be disposed pf as catled for In diis <br />Ge►tnr.ct !n the smnc manner as tpe fluids urigiiiulty depositnd. 'Che aash paymnnt duc: at Clasing sliall he <br />tvduaad by tke amuunt of anY lilterest or other rtuniugs on the Furp85`I ivtoney depcait rhat are naid ld or <br />eccruc t'or rhe bmiefit of Srl lor, 21. ESCRQW FRES: Seller and f3uynr simii caca pay nne•htilf af the eustomary escrow fNas <br />charged by the "Citln Cumpany far handling the closing of dils nnsactian. <br />RECORDlNQ AND CLOSING Co5TS; Btlyar shidl puy !'ur atl fecs and su:penses in <br />connaotlon wlth Buynr's finunalnb, sh an3', inclltdlpg, WIChGuI Ilmlt&tlou, all mortgab~e reBisWion mxlt~l <br />and recordiuQ fee3. 5e11er shall pay ibr 41I reCVrdin$ lees and odiar casts in ennndCClon with die re(en3e <br />of tuty lleus on the Aropprty, whieh aro Aot Permitted F.xceptions. Selia~r ahall pay for d1C 1it1c <br />Cpmatidnont dud the Owaer'g PQIIcy described in pm•agraph B. ExaCpt as otherwise set fottli ia this <br />Contrac; all othcr Claning cnscs, inaludSng witha►u 1{in1mdal, mLsoollanenus rccording 1505 whleh an+ <br />not addrmnd above aiid c►scraw ft+o sliall be borno er{usily by SeIIar Auid Buyel'. <br />23, C01V17IT10NS: Tb* obligations of Buya►' tA claao this tronsacdon and to comptcto Itt <br />, wltbout limilgtion, to the falbwing eondltloas prticedenc <br />purchase end pay thA purahase•prioe ere su6jecy <br />beinb in effeat ar eomplied Nvitli on the Clnsiag C14te, and Saller ugrees tl» lt w►11 use its fxst efl`otts tu <br />cuusn suoh condltions w be in effecc or eomptied vrirh au such date: (i) na matorsally edve+se cit¢qF,`G <br />stiall have ac+ourred with respeat m the condition or eporation af the Proporty brtwoon ft dem hexeof nnd <br />tlte Closiqg dsre, and the Seller•shatl have delivmd a oartif'taam to that rffiot so Buyer, oyd (li) no pnrl <br />oPihe Property 0411 In sobject ta any pcndtng or tbrtsuanod condernnatwn ar public 144* <br />Buy~r tnttiais <br />..u.wr 5811ur Tnltikl~ '~T. ~J ~ ~ <br />I.V-r4-~N►+ <br />7.mGiRbA1RAF '[b:YO L00Z/5Z/TY <br />000068 <br />