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NOV-30-2007(FRI) 16;06 CEMTURy 21 EXECUTIUE RERLITy (FHX)9037847185 P.007/Oll <br />2#. CONTINQLT(ClES: Tha abllgations oP 13uyer co close cttls transaccion 4rid to cowplete the <br />purchesa and pay tlie purchsse price nra subJmO'I, wlthaut lliniWtian, io satisFncden pf cbe i'b11¢wttiS <br />aontinzeocies on or bdfore Aug,lgt0, 2009: Bqor netaintug !ow incomn housing tax crudita in an <br />aninuat aeeepubla to Buynr,. 1n BuyeWa gelt discreclon, iiuM dia'PExnt Dop-Avornignt nC'Heuztng A <br />C,om uai + rs '1'~],~„MCAI_; (ii) Ruxer obtalaing approvil nE a Pla~ of che Pmpdrtyi (fii) k~µyer in <br />obtafnirtg app►~~uS! of a Siim or fiaal plati of the'1?roperry; (iv) fluyer obmining Acioqu,te wotar, amvor, <br />srormliteetentian Fhciticira, sleetrlc, and accrsg ln a xlze ond capaciry nvcnsgry to adaquawly ymwlCc <br />8uytr's prtiposed apartment developmant, and (v) Buyor obtpihing all necomry approvals frottt <br />paVemmwttsl acrdiorlt►es liaving jurisdiction, includin$ zdpin~, .anpaxdtion. rexaning, aiw nlim or <br />dovolapment plmi approvul, plae appcovA,lot split; sUbdlVlslwt or similar nwwrs, pemi[uinb Buyec to <br />uSe eha Prnparry Cor a~rEmens develoonte k• ln iha evcnt tho eontipgsnCles set Yorth uboMe havp nat <br />bnan saCisFnd by'Atkguxt 31, 20t18 i3uyar mmy, nl ihs opdeu, teriuinAtz tltii eMbhment in wricing in whtcll <br />avent thi-a mnest nioney sliall hC rr.ntrned to Buyer. <br />25. INCLUI?ED PROPERT'Yt T!tn Ptupcrty auld and to bc sonvsyikd horouncltr dhaA Iiulude <br />die fibtlowtng: (i) alt itose Gortain plvts, parccls ur =ts aP lund reFarrad to on Ehhibit 'A' aaanhed <br />hcmto m1d t-nude a psrt htlreof, together witli 01, rlbht, title und interes[ vP Satldt in and to all rigltm, <br />privilcges, sq-ritudo0 And uppurtcnancas dieretn bcionging cr appcraiintng, including wltiraut i[mitac►on <br />stream, alltys aad ribhts oP way adjaceut dtCrela; (i~i all build(ng5, strucrures, fixtures (Wa:luding <br />busineSsltmde fixtttres) and ather improvemeitiu locattd diereon. <br />26. PLANS, DR.AWINGS hNp REPQEtIS: Witltirt Yoil (10) dAys uflror the rPFectivv Dmsa af <br />-t1ila Codtraet, Sellor sk,all dellvcr to Ciuyct ooplcs of all as•builc dro*ihs% solt bearin; and englneeMnb <br />reports, tapppphy ninps, final hlans end spoaifieatluns, and attiar slmilar mattas reluting to tho phMc+l <br />at;p6cR6 of t1ic praporty 14 thC pv5SC5S1of14f CD11C('UI GYUIDC Ot SCtSer9 CtlpCCGCI'ilmLtVdS, IlIGlUt1IRs WId10llL <br />1fmltatlon copits at'x11 environineittal raparts, sWdlCS, =rssinsnLB g11d S(milar 1nlrqmlatiai n:1p.tICtg LQ din <br />tnvirojimautAt wudftion oF the Praperty, togebier ivith a written cerCificatial to Buysr tltat ttuo, correot <br />astd compla0e copies of all itcnis jtiquised m bc dtlivered uqdet clsis pmam►7h httve been so detlverecl. In <br />tba c'YEqt 'Spyer ft1(I5 tOC aAy C=On to pU!'ChgSd thu Ptflpel'C)+ Sll such tBpArts shAU Me retarnCd to SG11eP, <br />!f Buyes' purc48sb3 lhe P►nperty, Buyer sha[l reimburse Shcler at c1osin6 tor its rta6onable o;cprnses <br />fttcutted in conyir►g thc (tr,ps rcquirad W ba dcilveilad undcr this poimpph. <br />39, h10 OT'EiEIi BROKMst 2%,aept as providod io poragmpb 10 aP thls Caitroct, SeFIsr ahd <br />Buyer lcaah hetcby ropttisrat and warc411c to the adter• thaC no akhee br4kars ar 02e111s tut due uny <br />cornmlssioas from or n4asltig to thn cfasiiig eF eliis tran9actian mid abrch parry hereby Indti-nniCds und <br />agrow to hald tha ather {iarrnless agalnst snd fram all clalms assc:rted by aci,Y othare !or nny such <br />cotnttlissian or F4e. <br />2$. CQVL•NAt4'I'S PEtVri1NCi CJ.OSING: From tile EYtnctive Date ucidl aie Closing, Satler <br />agrees es fv110ws: <br />A. $cllar ghell actvise Buyrr in wrliinb af oqy nsuiertal ehaasas knowu to the Selier to <br />inforntiatian providad wid teprt;56ntatioris pnd wstrrnitdn9 made to 13uyor purGuant to the Wms <br />ttad conditiona oPtlus ConUYt%. , • <br />• 8, Ullar oW1 nat muko ppplleatlon i'er aay build'uig pe►7n1ts, use parmiro er znnlna <br />Yaciauc:es from say guvemmental aatdor(ry with raspecc tg ct+e Propcrty wttliout guyer's prior <br />written eonsent on ihis pwvel only, ' <br />Buyur laitials <br />- 5e11nr Lnltidls aJ^ a ~ , <br />i,rs-eninH <br />7:FARb9LE06 Jp:TO t89Z/6Z/jZ <br />. 000069 <br />