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NOV-30-2007(FRI) 16:07 CENTURy 21 EXECUTIUE RERLITy (FRX)9037847185 P.008/011 <br />C. Subjact m tho indettltllly clausc ip pamgl'8ph 9, 5c118r eb411 allaW guyt-r t0 c:ntrie iEit <br />Propeny und to Znspecc or causc to 4t liupocaxl Ctw oandltian uF tlie Praperty, at ttap cime ar <br />Eimes fibm thc EfFnetiva Cate to aild incltidina the Closing, sualr 41speetinrs to 6a ntnde duriua <br />reasonuble hom. ' D. SUllar•will aAt incuc uny pew lN:A5d OP obligatlon or entqt inta ot alwr, nme►id, Or ntadlfy <br />any lessc, ooun'aet or commitment relatlt'g to the Ptvpet'ry WlChout Buyer's prior wriaen coRgenr. <br />29. DAMAGE BY GJ1JllEWATlON: lf.bofdre che Clasing Data, tbC Propercy ur any pair <br />mareoP are tacen or ara tltreomed m be wken uy Llojldetnnaslan br otlier eminrnt damain proceadings, <br />Setler will iirunatliukely give writtcn ItOliate thercaf to $qyar and Buyer s1us11 harN the opeion to aaneel <br />[pis Conerucs by wriztai not'ice to S411u wMui ton (10) days aFcor slie daYi~ of thc Selicr's noticc m Suycr <br />p!'suoh evene. !f ao canceled. Buyar and Sc!!er shail bz raleased from aEl abligations 0 oaoh pthes' Luider <br />thls Ca3uvat; fn which cvnn; thG Edraest Meciey shall be promptfy ~twxncd to 9uyer. If Buyar ahull itet <br />CAACxI LI1I5 COOttdCi. $uytl• sheil putchase the froparty wishaut Ydduat}ou !n Purcltw Pricr, in wlilch <br />ovnnc $el1dr 5ha11 tis5jdn to Buyv at tlnsing nll of 5n1ler's righ[s to any condemnation pNUands payahle <br />as a rasult of such candCrnnario,►. <br />30. REAR.ESGN1'ATIONS: Seller repN*sNnts and hnreby warrants to 13uyer dutt bs af tllC <br />Ffteativc UatE; <br />A. No ropmentutioa or N+orrnnty bY S+'•1lrr in ~nt"~~t Ind h° Statentant or cettiticate <br />furnished or to bo iiuntshod by Scilcr pUrsuant lierato ce lu connOctlon with lhc u'uttisactipiy <br />centempisl?A hareby cuntains ar wt11 contain any unQruo starsment of a snarerial fuct, or omits or <br />wlll niyiit to stax a muxrial faet necessary to make thb stateivents eantained 41qpdln uot <br />mislea~ling. <br />SeUor ovvpMla that ali of Sellaes rcpresentations containod in this Gootraat s6ali ramain au4 us oPthe <br />daco af Closuy;, ihall sucviva the Closing with an ei'metivs date as o F cho Clas(n6 Dace, and shall noC be <br />merbad tivith llie title aonveyed to Btiyet' o{ any dacument executed in oounection with this trimsmtZon. <br />31, ENTJ,EZb AGRGGMSN7 AND MANNER OF MODIFICA'1'lQN: 7'i"s ConG'8ct, idqtl am' <br />attachments or addondams herem, eonsdtute tlia anrapleto asreement of the pw'des concerning die <br />. Proporty, superstde al1 ods4r agraomemm and may be modified ottly by iaiGielinb Changes in tbia Qonuacr <br />or by wrhzr,n ugreamanC. <br />32. pBAM1.1WE FOP. ACCSPTANCF-: Buyers ofter so purcluae tM PCOPerry fm►ss SCn Bu lt <br />":piro iP Sell~er L~mr nat accelpted thig Cdnp~+at by rigning and dollv~ip u t~lly ~~ted COPY t Y <br />• on ar bofart tIt4 eerller nf (i) Buycr dtlivaring wtlei:tt notlae t~S ellar ia BvYreS oMr jp encar lnto titfs <br />gb q"i»itct is w[[hdmwn or (ii) tJav 4hg~~ 'YLtru, <br />39, E9X 4Z•AXSE. S3patuxae on a FAR af tisis 3.nstruvento bT A pYi0tOCRP7 <br />g BA1C 'W3xlt Diga,aturts, ahal1 um aLs eg~y ~~ding as the er~~.aa1, astd aia7 <br />e nsed aa sts otigi~'L fdr alZ prI'oees <br />Duyer ]nhlals 49, %C • ~ . <br />Sel kr lniriats 41 7 <br />7,608b8tE86 tti M L80ZlWIt <br />. 000070 <br />