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4. Consideration of and action on recommending a two year /ease extension <br />with David L. Jones, d.b.a. Air Direct, LLC, in consideration for upgrading <br />the door on Hangar N at Cox Field. Motion was made by Jack Ashmore, <br />seconded by Harry Michalewicz, to approve the item as presented. Motion <br />carried 7-0. <br />5. Discussion of the 2008 Fly-In. Pete Kampfer stated we need an air boss to <br />coordinate an air show. We can get helicopters, Sky Hawks, Snow Birds, <br />wart hogs and F-16s (Cannon AFB). Glen Chapman stated he can get a <br />B-52 to fly over. Pete Kampfer stated we could get good organization and <br />do it right, and try to double or triple what we asked for last year from the <br />Chamber ($2500). We need to consider supplying fuel to get them here. <br />We can get an Army rock climbing wall, and in conjunction with the fly-in <br />have an air show. Harry Michalewicz stated an air show will cost the City a <br />lot of money. Pete Kampfer further stated if the military is involved, there <br />are escalated requirements and FAA involvement. Jack Ashmore stated he <br />talked to Muskogee, they put on a nice air show and they have a F-40. They <br />don't put on a long show, but it's nice and they'll do it for the cost of fuel. <br />He has contacted another pilot that does wing walking for $1,500. For all <br />three, it will cost only $6000, then we can have an hour long show. He <br />further stated that the hospital thought they could give us that amount. We <br />will need to block off an hour of no one flying in or out. Pete Kampfer <br />stated he wants to keep building on this every year, and we might potentially <br />have someone come in who wants to move here, build a hanger, build a <br />business here, etc. Pete stated he will help with website, marketing and <br />getting funding. The Fly-In will be the last Saturday of September. <br />6. Request for future agendas. Fly-In, courtesy car report, facility/airport <br />marketing. <br />7. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 21 ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2008. <br />Vic Ressler, Chairman <br />- 00(?015 <br />