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15 Resolution authorizing agreement with First Southwest Asset Management, Inc.
City Council
Agenda Packets
10 October
15 Resolution authorizing agreement with First Southwest Asset Management, Inc.
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8/23/2012 9:48:28 AM
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10/10/2008 11:00:01 AM
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15-Resolution authorizing Agreement with First Southwest Asset Management, Inc.
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refunding issue are used to pay principal on a prior issue, a pro rata portion of the refunded bond proceeds are treated as <br />"transferred" to the refunding issue. Althou-h no funds are physically transferred from one issue to another, it is often <br />necessary to perform these calculations for rebate purposes. <br />4. Debt Service Fund Residual Calculations. Because tax rates are established using an estimated collection percentage, <br />the balance in the debt service fund (often referred to as the Interest & Sinking Fund) may exceed the amount necessary <br />to pay the current year's debt service requirements. Any such excess amounts in a debt service fund must be treated as a <br />"reserve fund," thereby subjecting the excess balance to the rebate requirements. To the extent that any amounts <br />deposited in the debt service fund remain for more than thirteen months on a first-in, first-out basis, that excess is <br />classified as a"reserve fund portion" until used for payment of debt service. Special services are required to complete <br />these debt service fund residual calculations. <br />5. $100,000 Test for Debt Service Funds. The Code requires that a bona fide debt service fund be included in the <br />arbitrage rebate computation if it earns 00,000 or more in a given bond year and if the issue is not a private activity <br />bond and a long-term fixed rate issue. <br />6. Variable/Floating Rate Bond Issues. Special services are also required to perform the arbitrage rebate calculations far <br />variable rate bonds. A bond is a variable rate bond if the interest rate paid on the bond is dependent upon an index which <br />is subject to changes subsequent to the issuance of the bonds. The computational requirements of a variable rate issue are <br />more complex than those of a fixed rate issue and, accordin-gly, require significantly more time to calculate. For <br />example, it is necessary to evaluate both a five-year yield as wel] as one-year yield increments to determine which yield is <br />most beneficial to the issuer. <br />Yield Restriction Analysis/Yield Reduction Computations. The Code provides that proceeds of a bond issue may not <br />be invested above the yield on the bond unless an applicable exception applies which provides a temporary period during <br />which proceeds are not yield restricted. First Southwest provides analysis to determine the amount of proceeds which <br />must be yield restricted and provides computations to verify that the proceeds have been properly restricted. In addition, <br />the 1993 Treasury Regulations provide that a yield reduction payment may be made in lieu of yield restricting proceeds. <br />First Southwest will provide the necessary computations to determine the amount of yield reduction payment which must <br />be made. _ <br />Universal Cap. Current regulations provide an overall limitation on the amount of gross proceeds allocable to an issue. <br />In certain circumstances, it is necessary to deallocate proceeds from an issue. First Southwest reviews the universal cap <br />limitation for each bond issue at the appropriate time periods and, if necessary, performs the deallocation of proceeds. <br />Calculation of Late Interest Amount. Additional calculations are required if an arbitrage rebate payment is not filed <br />within the time pennitted by the regulations. A fee is charged to compute the ]ate interest amount from the time that the <br />payment was originally due until the time the payment is made. <br />The fee for any Bonds under this contract shall only be payable if a computation is required under Section 148( fl(2) of the Code. <br />In the event that any of the Bonds, fall within an exclusion to the computation requirement as defined by Section 148 of the Code <br />or related regulations and no calculations were required by First Southwest to make that determination, no fee will be charged for <br />such issue. For example, certain bonds are excluded from the rebate computation requirement if the proceeds are spent within <br />specific tune periods. In the event a particular issue of Bonds fulfills the exclusion requirements of the Code or related <br />regulations, the specified fee will be waived by First Southwest ifno calculations were required to make the determination. <br />Recognizing that computational complexities are reduced when all ar the majority of the b oss proceeds of an issue are expended, <br />it is First Southwest's policy to reduce fees to the following levels, as appropriate: <br />Per issue fees for each circumstance itemized below shall be: <br />o Proceeds expended in prior year. Liability updated and report issued. $750 <br />o Debt Service Residual Calculation only. $1,250 <br />o Reserve Fund calculation only. $1,250 <br />o Escrow Fund only. $1,250 <br />o Rebate Fund only. $1,250 <br />o Yield Restriction/Yield Reduction Computation only. $2,000 <br />First Southwest's fees are payable upon delivery of the report prepared by First Southwest, the first report to be made following <br />one year from the date of delivery of the Bonds and on each computation date thereafter durine, the term of the Ag-eement. The <br />fees for computations of the Arbitrage Amount which encompass more, or less, than one Computation Year of investment data <br />performed durina the same computation period shall be prorated to reflect the longer, ar shorter, period of work performed during <br />that period. <br />34725 Page 5 <br />W 000085 <br />
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