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FEDERAL <br />City of Paris <br />Cox Field <br />0901PARIS <br />PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION MEETING <br />SPONSOR'S SHARE OF PROJECT FUNDS <br />Total design and construction project costs currently estimated to be $4,711,088. <br />Total sponsor share including construction and design estimated to be 471 109. <br />ENGINEERING/DESIGN INFORMATION <br />A separate grant for engineering design will be offered, 10% of estimated engineering design <br />costs $17,500 expected to be due by March/ Apri12009. <br />Total estimated design costs $175,000. <br />Note: Sponsor will be billed 30 days in advance. Sponsor should have the above figures <br />budgeted and encumbered by these dates. Sponsor will be apprised of all changes. <br />CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION- Phase 1 <br />Sponsor share of construction costs estimated to be $275,031. <br />Total construction costs estimated to be $2,750,312. This may change based on final design. <br />The Sponsor share will be due prior to construction advertising - estimated to be March/April <br />2011- this will depend on our federal funds that are available. Please be aware if federal funds <br />are not available at the time your project is ready to advertise, we will not advertise this project <br />until we have federal funds. This may possibly delay your project up to a year. <br />TxDOT will offer a 2nd grant for construction costs following completion of Commission <br />approva.l and bid opening. <br />0 000173 <br />