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Proiect Descri <br />Project Description. <br />ITEM # 1 OVERLAY RUNWAY 17-35 <br />Paris Airport <br />Runway 17-35 is 6,000 feet long by 150 feet wide. The PCC pavement was constructed <br />in the 1940's, and received an HMA overlay in the 1970's. The runway has significant <br />reflection cracks. The pavement should receive an HMA overlay to protect the <br />pavement and extend the service life of the pavement. <br />ITEM # 2 MARK RUNWAY 17-35 <br />Runway 17-35 will be marked as a Non-Precision Ins#rument approach runway. <br />ITEM # 3 EXTEND PARALLEL TAXIWAY to RWY 35 <br />Taxiway "A", the parallel taxiway for runway 17-35, should be extended to the south end <br />of Runway 17-35 to complete the parallel taxiway. The pavement should be designed to <br />match the strength of the runway, <br />ITEM # 4 OVERLAY PARALLEL TAXIWAY <br />The central portion of the parallel taxiway was constructed with PCC in the 1940's. The <br />taxiway was extended to the north in the 1990's with an HMA surface. The pavement <br />should receive an HMA overlay to protect the pavement and extend the service life of <br />the pavement. <br />ITEM # 5 REPLACE V.A.S.I. WITH P.A.P.I. a RUNWAY 35 <br />The existing VASI unit for Runway 35 should be evaluated for condition and reliability. If <br />justified, the unit should be replaced with new cable, conduit, and PAPI-4 unit. <br />ITEM # 6 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS <br />Drainage improvements are needed in two areas of the airport. <br />The first area begins at a junction box and inlet at the northeast comer of the <br />intersection of Taxiway A and Taxiway B. Three culverts, parallel and perpendicular to <br />the parallel taxiway, flow into the junction box. The flow continues west, through a <br />culvert under the terminal parking apron, emptying into Little Sandy Creek at a failed <br />Page 3 of 5 March 2008 <br />TxDOT Aviation Division <br />