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Paris <br />outFall structure. There are several sinkholes in the vicinity of the junction box, the <br />junction box is cracked and in poor condition, and there are severai shattered apron <br />slabs along the alignment of the culvert under the terminal apron pavement. The <br />sinkholes should be repaired, the junction bax slaou d bel ep acethe d, anddthe r-ulvert <br />outfall <br />joints should be resealed, and the shattered slabs s <br />structure should be repiaced. <br />The second area serves the hangars. Two ditch and cuivert systems serve the hangars, <br />ouftfall iIt, <br />one on each side of the primary hang ~e dches should be ega filling <br />and standing water is in the ditches. T <br />structures should be replaced. <br />There is an existing PCC valley gutter between hangars "C" and "I". As the valley gutter <br />causing <br />crosses the taxiway to hangars "I" and "AAA", the slope is excessively steep, <br />prop strikes. A slotted inlet should be installed in the existing PCC valley gutfer, and the <br />valley gutter should be raised and flattened, to reduce the dip in the valley gutter. <br />ITEM # 8 RECONSTRUCT PCC FUEL PAD <br />The existing concrete fuel pad, 100 feet by 100 feet, is in poor condition, with significant <br />spalling and cracking. The pavement will be demolished and replaced with new PCC <br />pavement. <br />ITEM # 9 FULL DEPTH PAVEMENT REPAIRS <br />Several areas,of HMA pavement, on the hangar access taxiway in the vicinity of <br />hangars AAA, K' , C and I, are failing. The failures are likely due to the intrusion of <br />subgrade moisture caused by poor drainage. A culvert should be installed, and the <br />pavement should be repaired by full depth patches. <br />ITEM # 10 REPLACE SIGN PANELS <br />The existing sign panels were installed in 1994 and are deteriorating from age. They will <br />be replaced. , <br />Page 4 of 5 March 2008 <br />TxDOT Aviation Division <br />