eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE Page 8 of 19
<br />Enter the Phone Number for the Civil Rignts Liaison [(999) 999-9999]:
<br />903-784-9241
<br />Certification
<br />Each appiicant agency will certify to the specific criteria detailed above under Program Requirements to be eligible for funding under the
<br />Justice Assistance Grant Program Solicitation.
<br />X I certify to all of the above eligibility requirements.
<br />Problem Statement:
<br />Please provide a detailed account in the Problem Statement section of the existing issues your project will target.
<br />Enter your problem statement:
<br />Lamar County, a rural area of 50,000 people in Northeast Texas, is ptagued with aggravated assaults, sexual assaults, narcotic related
<br />crimes, and homicides that overburden the Iimited manpower of law enforcement officers. A largely rural, limited industrial tax base does
<br />not provide local govemmental entities adequate financiai resources to effectively dedicate Iaw enforcement officers who can investigate
<br />these crimes. Lack of manpower to investigate these crimes often leads to these cases remaining unsolved or un-prosecuted for up to five
<br />years while suspects/defendants remain un-arrested, abscond, and/or re-offend as victims and residents live in fear of criminals walking
<br />their small town streets.
<br />Supporting Data:
<br />Provide as much supporting data, to include baseline statistics and the sources of your data, which are pertinent to where the grant project
<br />is located and/or targeted. Do not use statewide data for a local problem or national data for a statewide problem.
<br />Enter your supporting data:
<br />In 2004, The U.S. Bureau of ]ustice Statistics placed the city of Paris among the top 100 most violent crime cities per capita in the United
<br />States. According to the crime index, the average crime index in the United States is 282.2. As of the last reported year, the
<br />city of Paris had a crime index of 528.7.
<br />Community Plan:
<br />For projects that have a local or regional impact target area, provide information regarding the community plan need(s) that your project
<br />wilil address.
<br />Enter your community planning needs:
<br />The City of Paris Police Department and officiais from the County of Lamar participated in the locai community planning process that
<br />resulted in the Northeast Texas Regional Community Plan (the Pian). One of the funding priorities in tne Pian under Criminal Justice Issues
<br />relates to special crimes, such as fraud, racketeering, theft, burglaries, prostitution, and narcotics. It recommend_= aggressive enforcement
<br />of City, State, and locai laws relat2d to these crimes. Additionally, this local project comes at the strong behest of administrators of the
<br />Paris Poiice Department, Lamar County Sheriff's Office, and Lamar County and District Attorney's Office who painfuliy recognize the need
<br />for dedicated and more effective investi9ation of violent crimes. This focus group resolutely and unanimously has made a commitment to
<br />establishing this project and have designated it as priority one for the foreseeable future.
<br />Goal Statement:
<br />Provide a brief description of the overall goals and objectives for this project.
<br />Enter a description for the overall goals and objectives:
<br />Participating law enforcement agencies (Paris Police Oepartment, Lamar County Sheriff's Office, Lamar County, and the District Attorney's
<br />Office) will colledively and cooperatively estabiish a felony crimes unit for specialized investigations targeting violent felony crimes against
<br />persons and narcotic related crimes. The intent of this felony crimes unit will be to decrease the number of violent felony crimes and
<br />narcotic related crimes occurring in Lamar County. These specialized investigatory efforts, coupled with a dedicated prosecutor to handie
<br />these specific cases, will result in a safer community, swifter justice and prosecution of cases, and less opportunity for offenders to commit
<br />another offense.
<br />Cooperative Working Agreement (CWA):
<br />When a grantee intends to carry out a grant project through cooperating or participating with one or more outside organizations, the
<br />grantee must obtain authorized approval signatures on the cooperative working agreement (CWA) from each participating organization.
<br />Grantees must maintain on file a signed copy of all cooperative working agreements, and they must submit to CJD a list of each
<br />participating organization and a description of the purpose of each CWA. Cooperative working agreements do not involve an exchange of
<br />funds.
<br />For this project, provide the name of the participating organization(s) and a brief description of the purpose(s) for the CWA(s). You should
<br />only provide information here that this project's successful operation is contingent on for the named service or participation from the
<br />outside organization.
<br />Note: A Sample CWA is available here for your convenience.
<br />Enter your cooperating working agreement(s):
<br />Participating law enforcement agencies (Paris Police Department, Lamar County Sheriff's Office, Lamar County, and the District Attorney's
<br />Office) will collectively and cooperatively continue the operation of a felony crimes unit for specialized investigations targeting felony crimes
<br />against persons. This project will utilize numerous methods and tools to strike at the target audience, normaily beginning with intelligence
<br />gathering related to violent crimes. Criminal informants, as well as years of information gathered from the investigation and prosecution of
<br />previous crimes, will assist officers in targeting high-risk individuals. Additionally, crime stoppers information, surveillance, and constant
<br />pressure will result in an overall reduction of crimes this project targets: violent crimes against Lamar County citizens. The principle method
<br />of investigating and solving violent crimes against persons is reactive in nature. The continued operation of this unit and what is
<br />accomplished will lead to a proactive crackdown on crime, especially as the target audience of repeat offenders becomes aware of stifFer
<br />and swifter penalties. The specialized investigators will assist alI county agencies' criminal investigation divisions (CIDs) in making
<br />https://cj donline. governor. ect/GrantPrintableSummary. aspx?PrintCode=O&... 8/22/2008
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