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eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE Page 9 of 19 <br />connections between felony cases and sharing information. Information shared between cooperative agencies frequently solves challenging <br />cases. In 2005 alone, two homicides were solved due to intelligence gathering within the local law enforcement community - one out of <br />Tarrant County which exemplifies this projecYs willingness to assist wherever the need may arise. <br />Continuation Projects: <br />For continuation projects only, if your current or previous year's project is NOT on schedule in accomplishing the stated objectives, briefly <br />describe the major obstacles preventing your organization from successfully reaching the project objectives as stated within your previous <br />grant application. (Data may be calculated on a pro-rated basis depending on how long the current or previous year's project has been <br />operating.) <br />Enter your current grant's progress: <br />Although the initial grant was for an 18 month period, the City of Paris did not receive funding until February 2007; therefore, the felony <br />crimes unit (FCU) began operations 6 months later than originally planned. Last year's funding was delayed as well, but because the <br />program was showing success, the City provided funding during the gap to keep the program in operation until funds were available for <br />reimbursement. Incidents of drug activity, drug transactions, and violent crimes have actually increased simply due to the existence of the <br />FCU because more resources are now devoted to investigating this type of activity. <br />Project Summary: <br />Briefly summarize the entire application, including the project's problem statement, supporting data, goal, target group, activities, and <br />objectives. Be sure that the summary is easy to understand by a person not familiar with your project and that you are confident and <br />comfortable with the information if it were to be released under a public information request. <br />Enter your summary statement for this project: <br />Assaults, sexual assaults, homicides, and narcotic related crimes overburden the limited manpower of Iaw enforcement officers in Lamar <br />County. Local financial resources and manpower are inadequate for effectively carrying out justice and often leads to cases remaining <br />unsolved or un-prosecuted efficiently. Lamar County currently has 2.35 officers per 1000 residents compared to the United States avera9e <br />of 3.00 per 1000 residents. The city of Paris has been ranked among the top 100 most violent crime cities per capita in the United States. <br />Law enforcement in Lamar County continues to deal with extremely high numbers of violent crimes being reported by Lamar County <br />citizens. According to the city crime index, the average crime index in the United States is 282.2. As of the last reported year, the <br />city of Paris had a crime index of 528.7. These numbers alone indicate the probiems that law enforcement in Lamar County face an trying to <br />curtail the violent crimes being committed in Lamar County. This project will strive to decrease the number of violent crimes occurring to <br />Lamar County residents while creating a better quality of life for residents. The target audience for this project is anyone who chooses to <br />commit a violent offense against another person. The project intends to cooperatively investigate the violent felony crimes by utilizing this <br />grant funding in an effort with both the Paris Police Department, Lamar County Sheriff's Office, Lamar County, and the District Attorney's <br />office and other agencies to initiate the reduction in violent criminal activity in Paris and Lamar County. Investiqators wiil make use of every <br />available crime fighting method to ultimately create a proactive crackdown against violent crime. This grant should enable our law <br />enforcement agencies to cooperatively act as a significant deterrent as the target audience of repeat offenders becomes aware of stiffer <br />and swifter penalties. <br />Project Activities Information <br />Introduction <br />The Project Activities section of the application gathers information about the type of activities your project will incorporate. <br />Click on the Save and Continue button at any time to save the information entered on this page. If you do not click on this button and <br />navigate away from the page, your work will be lost. When you click the Save and Continue button, you may receive several error <br />messages that instruct you to complete the required fieids. Your data on any given tab will not save to the system until all required fields <br />are complete and correct. <br />In addition, you have a 2-hour time limit for each tab where you will need to complete the information correctly and then ciick the Save <br />and Continue button. There is a timestamp in the upper-right hand corner of the page that notes when you first clicked on the tab. From <br />that point, you have 2 hours to complete the information on that tab correctly. If you do not compiete the information correctly (for the <br />required fields) and then you click on the Save and Continue button, you will be redirected to the eGrants Home Page. If this happens, <br />your data will not be saved in the system. You may also choose to compose a message on this page for CJD to review. This can be done by <br />typing in the Notes By Grantee / CJD message box. <br />Getting Started <br />On this tab you will notice certain icons that are displayed. <br />•4~= a pencil icon - click on this icon to edit your seledions. <br />X = a pencil icon with a red slash through it - click on this icon to cancel your edits. <br />. X= a red delete icon - click on this icon to delete the item. <br />.0= a diskette icon - click on this icon to save your work. When this icon appears, it is your queue to save the item that you are <br />working on; otherwise, your data will be lost. <br />• CO = an information icon - this help icon is next to certain items that may need further expianation. Simply click and review the <br />information provided in the pop up window. <br />Reserved <br /> t~.bleSummary.aspx?PrintCode=O&... 8/22/2008 <br />D <br />. . . . . . . _ . . , . . . r. . . . T.._.... .r__.~..~.. <br />