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eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE Page 15 of 19 <br />given tab will not save to the system until all required fields are complete and correct. <br />In addition, you have a 2-hour time limit for each tab where you will need to complete the information correctly and <br />then click the Save and Continue button. There is a timestamp in the upper-right hand corner of the page that notes <br />when you first clicked on the tab. From that point, you have 2 hours to complete the information on that tab correctly. <br />If you do not complete the infonnation correctly (for the required fields) and then you click on the Save and <br />Continue button, you will be redirected to the eGrants Home Page. If this happens, your data will not be saved in the <br />system. You may also choose to compose a message on this page for CJD to review. This can be done by typing in <br />the Notes By Grantee / CJD message box. <br />Organizational Information <br />Enter the Year in which the Corporation was Founded: <br />Enter the Date that the IRS Letter Granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Status: <br />Enter the Employer ldentification Number Assigned by the IRS: <br />Enter the Charter Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State: <br />Accounting System <br />The grantee organization must incorporate an accounting system that wili track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general <br />ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger). The grantee must establish a time and effort system to track <br />personnei costs by project. This shouid be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour. <br />Is there a list of your organization's accounts identified by a specific number (i.e., a general ledger of accounts). <br />Select the appropriate response: <br />Yes <br />No <br />Does the accounting system include a project ledger to record expenditures for each Program by required budget cost categories? <br />Seled the appropriate response: <br />Yes <br />No <br />Is there a timekeeping system that allows for grant personnel to identify activity and requires signatures by the employee and his or her <br />supervsior? <br />Seled the appropriate response: Yes <br />No <br />If you answered 'No' to any question above in the Accounting System sedion, in the space provided below explain what action will be <br />taken to ensure accountability. <br />Enter your explanation: <br />Financial Capability <br />Grant agencies should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheet and income statements are <br />required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant agency disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a <br />given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grant agency during a fiscal year. <br />Has the grant agency undergone an independent audit? <br />Select the appropriate response: <br />Yes <br />No <br />Does the organization prepare financial statements at least annually? <br />Seled the appropriate response: <br />Yes <br />No <br />According to the organization's most recent Audit or Balance Sheet, are the current total assets greater than the liabilities? <br />Seled the appropriate response: <br />Yes <br />No <br />If you selected 'No' to any question above under the Financial Capability section, in the space provided below explain what action will be <br />taken to ensure accountability. <br />Enter your explanation: <br />https://cjdonline.governor. 8/22/2008 <br />r r~nn?~I~ <br />:i <br />T. t <br />