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eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE Page 5 of 19 <br />The anticipated funding levels for the )ustice Assistance Grant program are as follows: <br />• Minimum Award - None <br />• Maximum Award - None <br />• The Justice Assistance Grant program does not require a grantee to provide matching funds. <br />For more information regarding grantee match, please click on the Budget tab, and then click on the Source of Match tab in eGrants. <br />Note: If you voluntarily include matching funds that exceed the minimum match requirement, you will be heid to that amount throughout <br />the grant period. <br />Program Requirements <br />Note: The requirements for this fund source are subject to change pursuant to actions of the U.S. Congress. <br />Preferences - Preference will be given to projects that perform the following activities: <br />1. Increase the presence of law enforcement along the Texas-Mexico Border and other ports-of-entry. <br />2. Target statistically supported areas of violent crime. <br />3. Promote the use of interlocal agreements (Texas Government Code, Chapter 791) to target statistically identified major threats to <br />a specified geographicai area. <br />4. Promote intelligence sharing, crime reporting and communication. <br />5. Provide law enforcement equipment to jurisdictions that were not eligible for direct funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance <br />under the Justice Assistance Grant Program. <br />Program Areas <br />Applicant assures that its proposed project meets at least one of the following Program Areas to be eligible for funding: <br />Law Enforcement - Supports state and local law enforcement agencies that address violent crime or statistically supported major crime <br />initiatives at the local levei. <br />Note: Law enforcement agencies applying for equipment only or agencies applying to provide law enforcement training <br />must apply under this program area unless they are seeking to purchase or enhance technology. <br />Prosecution and Court - Programs that improve the prosecution of serious and violent crimes, including those that reduce the time from <br />arrest to disposition. <br />T~Chnology - Programs that implement or expand a law enforcement agency's ability to report and analyze crime. Appiicant assures that <br />any criminal intelligence databases developed under this program will comply with 28 CFR Part 23. <br />Qrua Tre m n - Programs_that target substance abuse treatment for juveniles or adults who have been court ordered to participate, <br />including drug courts and projects that serve as alternatives to incarceration. <br />Drug Treatment Projects <br />Projects that target substance abuse treatment for juveniles or adults under the Drug Treatment program area (as defined above), are <br />required to complete the following information: <br />Note: If this program area is not appficable, please continue to the Drug Court Type item, and then select 'N/A' for all of <br />the items in the drug court projects section. After sefecting 'N/A; continue to the 'Program Income' item. <br />Mandatory Drug Courts - Pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code §469.006, counties with a population of more than 200,000 are <br />required to establish a drug court. Applicants from these counties must aiso apply to the federal government for any funds available to pay <br />the costs of the program. A county with a population of 200,000 or more that does not establish and maintain a drug court program is <br />ineligible to receive state funds for a community supervision and corcections department, and grants for substance abuse treatment <br />programs administered by the Governor's Criminal Justice Division. <br />https://cj donline.governor. ect/GrantPrintableSummary.aspx?PrintCode=O&... 8/22/2008 <br />. OOU334 <br />. . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . T, , T <br />. . . T.._._.....,..... <br />