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eGrants - Project Summary (MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THIS PAGE 1) Page 6 of 19 <br />Ten Key Components - The drug court will incorporate the following ten (10) essential characteristics of drug courts noted below and <br />codified in Texas Health and Safety Code §469.001: <br />Integration of Services - The integration between alcohol and other drug treatment services in the processing of cases in <br />the judicial system. <br />Non-Adversarial Approach - The use of a non-adversarial approach invoiving prosecutors and defense attorneys to promote <br />public safety and to protect the due process rights of program participants. <br />Prompt Placement - Early identification and prompt placement of eligible participants in the program. <br />Access - Access to a continuum of alcohol, drug, and other related treatment and rehabilitative services. <br />Abstinence Monitoring - Monitoring of abstinence through weekly alcohol and other drug testing. <br />Compliance Strateav - A coordinated strategy to govern program responses to participants' compliance. <br />Judicial Interaction - Ongoing judicial interaction with program participants. <br />Evaluation - Monitoring and evaluation of program goais and effectiveness. <br />Education - Continuing interdisciplinary education to promote effective program planning, implementation, and operations. <br />Partnerships - Development of partnerships with pubiic agencies and community organizations. <br />Observation - The drug court team (judge, prosecutor, defense counsel, treatment provider, supervision officer, court coordinator, etc.) <br />of a new program must observe at least one drug court staffing session and hearing prior to program implementation. <br />Policies and Procedures - The drug court will develop and maintain written policies and procedures for the operation of the program. <br />information Sharing - The applicant will submit a copy of any project evaluations, evaluation plans, recidivism studies, or related <br />reports that are completed during the grant period to CJD. <br />Drug Court Date - If the Drug Court is already in operation, provide the date that this Drug Court was established. If this is not <br />applicable, go to the next question. <br />Enter the date [mm/dd/yyyy]: <br />Drug Court Type <br />• Adult - Programs serving aduits (either pre-adjudication, post-adjudication, or reentry). <br />• Familv - Programs serving parents who enter the drug court in relation to suits affecting the parent-child relationship, including <br />child welfare / CPS cases, child support cases, or other civi matters. • Juvenile - Programs serving juveniles (either pre-adjudication, post-adjudication, or reentry). <br />Select the type of drug court that will be operated: <br />Adult <br />Famity <br />Juvenile <br />X N/A <br />General Approaches <br />• Pre_adiu i a i n- The defendant is diverted to the treatment program in lieu of prosecution before charges are filed or before final <br />case. <br />• Post-adjudication - The drug offender begins the drug court program after entering a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or having <br />been found guilty, often as a condition of probation. <br />• Re n r - Offenders compieting sentences of incarceration or lengthy terms of residential treatment are ordered into the treatment <br />program to facilitate their transitionand reintegration into society. <br />• Civil - Participants enter the drug court program in relation to suits affecting the parent-child relationship, child welfare / CPS <br />cases, child support cases, or other civil matters. <br />Select the general approach(es) this drug court fill follow below. <br />Seled all that apply: <br />Pre-adjudication <br />Post-adjudication <br />Reentry <br />Civil <br />X N/A <br />Wili the drug court include DWI offenders? <br />Select the appropriate response: <br /> )1Pummary.aspx?PrintCode=0&... 8/22/2008 <br />w U <br />T. T. T_. ,.._r~. <br />