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<br />4. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Agreement <br />incorporated shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, as <br />provided, and said Agreement shall comprise a contract, constituting the obligations and <br />rights of the State of Tex~s and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the <br />project and the operation and maintenance of the airport. Such Agreement shall become <br />effective upon execution of this instrument and shall remain in full force and effect for a <br />period of at least 20 years. <br /> <br />5. The Sponsor and not the State shall, for all purposes, be the "Sponsor" of the project <br />identified above as defined in Title 49 U.S.C. Sponsor agrees to assume responsibility for <br />operation of the facility in compliance with all applicable state ana federal requirements <br />including any statutes, rules, regulations, assurances, procedures or any other directives <br />before, during and after the completion ofthis project. <br /> <br />6. The Sponsor by execution of this grant, certifies that it has implemented, or will <br />implement during this project, an effective airport pavement maintenance management <br />program, and it assures that it will use such program during the period of this Agreement. <br />It will provide upon written request, such reports on pavement condition and pavement <br />management programs as the State determines may be useful. -Failure to comply with this <br />condition may make the Sponsor ineligible for future grants. <br /> <br />7. The Sponsor agrees to assume the responsibility to assure that all aspects of the grant and <br />project are done in compliance with all applicable state and federal requirements including <br />any statutes, rules, regulations, assurances, procedures or any other directives, except as <br />otherwise specifically provided herein. <br /> <br />8. Unless otherwise approved by the State, the Sponsor will not acquire or permit any <br />contractor or subcontractor to acquire any steel or manufactured products produced <br />outside the United States to be used for any project for airport development or noise <br />compatibility for which funds are provided under this grant. The sponsor will include in <br />every contract a provision implementing this special condition. <br /> <br />9. SPECIAL CONDITION: Except for instrument landing systems acquired with AlP <br />funds and later donated to and accepted by the FAA, the Sponsor must provide for the <br />continuous operation and maintenance of any navigational aid funded under the AlP <br />during the useful life of the equipment. The sponsor must check the facility, including <br />instrument landing systems, prior to commissioning to ensure it meets the operational <br />standards. The Sponsor must also remove, relocate, or lower each obstruction on the <br />approach or provide for the adequate lighting or marking of the obstruction if any <br />aeronautical study conducted under FAR Part 77 determines that to be acceptable; and <br />mark and light the runway, as appropriate. The Federal Aviation Administration will not <br />take over the ownership, operation, or maintenance of any sponsor-acquired equipment, <br />except for instrument landing systems. <br /> <br />10. The Sponsor shall have on file with the State: <br /> <br />a. A current and approved Attorney's Certificate of Airport Property Interests and <br />Exhibit A property map; and <br /> <br />Page 7 of 27 <br />