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<br />the lake bottom. Area-elevation-capacity tables estimated to 0.01 <br />feet will be provided upon written request. A copy of the report text <br />and area-elevation-capacity tables will be provided for review and <br />comment. Any legitimate questions regarding accuracy should be <br />addressed in writing within thirty days, and will be addressed in the <br />report. Four copies of the reports will be provided to the U.S. Army <br />Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District (the District), along with the <br />digital data. Additional copies of the reports will be provided at the <br />cost of $35.00 per copy. The report provided in conjunction with the <br />survey will not address sediment location and thickness, unless <br />negotiated as an additional charge. All data from the survey will be <br />stored for future reference. <br /> <br />4. SURVEY SCHEDULE <br /> <br />The field survey is expected to be completed in one to two working <br />days after commencement. The first day will be spent meeting lake <br />staff, visually surveying the lake conditions, and finding and checking <br />the condition of boat ramps. The survey will begin after the <br />completion of these activities. Pool elevation, weather, and condition <br />of equipment are some of the possible factors that could affect the <br />actual time of performing the survey. <br /> <br />The TWDB will contact the District Project Manager the week prior to <br />the survey to confirm the proposed date. Confirmation by the District <br />Project Manager will signify approval that the survey be conducted at <br />the current lake elevation. If any delays are anticipated, the survey <br />will be rescheduled as soon as possible. The new date will be <br />determined with the approval of the District Project Manager. <br /> <br />5. ON-SITE STORAGE <br /> <br />An enclosed, secure structure with minimum dimensions of 10 feet by <br />30 feet, shall be provided by the City for storage of the survey vessel. <br />The enclosed, secured structure will need a vertical clearance of <br />sufficient height to allow storage of the survey vessel on it's trailer, or <br />approximately 12 feet. TWDB personnel will coordinate with the City <br />or designated representative staff for hours of accessibility to this <br />structure. <br />