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<br />Narrative Addendum <br /> <br />COPS in Schools Narrative Addendum <br /> <br />(Submissions should not exceed 10 pages. Documentation submitted beyond <br />this limit may not be considered in the review process. Charts/graphs will not <br />count against the lO-page limit.) <br /> <br />Agencies that seek funding under this program are required to submit a <br />s~arate typed double-spaced Narrative Addendum addressing each of the <br />following four areas. Agencies may provide supporting documentation in the <br />following areas if relevant information is available. Please do not include <br />any confidential data or reports with your application. This Narrative <br />Addendum will be taken into consideration during the application review and <br />approval process. <br /> <br />. Problem Identification and Justification: <br /> <br />Problem Identification: Please provide information on current <br />problems occurring in and around the primary and secondary partner <br />school(s) involved in this grant proposal (for example, drug use or <br />gang activity within the schools). <br /> <br />Justification: Documentation such as crime data as it relates <br />specifically to the partner schools, information on gang members in <br />a particular school, the number of suspensions and expulsions <br />related to identified problems, school specific surveys, complaints <br />from the community, etc. <br /> <br />. Community Policing Strategies: <br /> <br />Please provide information on the proposed activities to be <br />performed by the SRO(s). Please outline specific examples and <br />provide as much detail as possible. Some strategies may include <br />conflict mediation, mentoring activities, gang mediation, problem <br />solving projects, truancy programs, etc. <br /> <br />. Quality and Level of Commitment to the Program: <br /> <br />Please confirm that the officer(s) employed under this program will <br />be assigned to work in and around primary or secondary schools 75 <br />percent of his or her time, the number of years over which the <br />proposed program will be implemented, and discuss evidence of <br />previous successes in schools or conducting collaborative problem <br />solving with youth in the community. Please also include a <br />description of the impacted or targeted areas, including the number <br />of schools, number of students, and demo~phic information for the <br />student population. <br /> <br />. Link to Organizational Community Policing: <br /> <br />Agencies that seek funding under this program must provide <br />information on how the community policing strategies proposed for <br />the school resource officer as outlined above will link to the overall <br />organizational community policing strategy of the agency. <br /> <br />35 <br />