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<br />COPS in Schools Application Forms <br /> <br />A. Mission Statement <br />(This statement may already exist within your on-going partnership, or may need <br />to be developed jointly to assist in defining the primary purpose of your <br />partnership, and the differences your mission will make within your community.) <br /> <br />The mission of this grant project is to hire one school <br />resource officer to work with the students, citizens, and <br />faculty members of the Chisum loS.D. in:,a manner:::cansistent <br />with community policing, to enhance the safety of all <br />concerned and to focus on improving the relationship <br />between law enforcement and youth. <br /> <br />B. Desaiption of General Duties <br />(This brief description should highlight the proposed programs, daily activities, <br />and/or projects, etc. that the SRO will develop and/or administer. A more detailed <br />description of your community policing strategies is also required to be included <br />in your Narrative Addendum, which will be reviewed independently.) <br /> <br />The school resource officer's, general duties will include: <br />maintaining. a visible law enforcement presence during j <br />school hours (and special events) to deter crime""and "" " <br />create an atmosphere of safety. The officer will enforce <br />the law and work with the faculty to improve relation- <br />ships between law enforcement and the student body. <br /> <br />C. Desired Outcomes <br />(This information should outline the goals and objectives of your partnership that <br />your agency hopes to achieve should it receive a CIS grant.) <br /> <br />The desired outcomes of this grant are: enhanced <br />school safety, a reduction in campus crime, animproved <br />relationship between law enforcement and youth and to <br />educate the students in ways to reduce gang activities, <br />illegal substance abuse, and crime in general. <br /> <br />38 <br />