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<br />, Memorandum of Understanding <br /> <br />* *Please provide the name of the agency within your partnership that will be <br />responsible for overseeing the following roles and responsibilities as they <br />pertain to grant requirements and administrative procedures: <br /> <br />D. Receipt and Disbursement of Grant Funds <br />(This entity will be responsible for oversight of grant funds to ensure they are <br />used appropriately as outlined by the grant conditions. This ll1W1. be the legal <br />applicant of the CIS grant.) <br /> <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas <br />(Name of the law enforcement agency or governing jurisdiction that will be <br />responsible for this task.) <br /> <br />E. Programmatic Reporting <br />(Progress reports are required on a periodic basis, and request information on <br />the status of your program, to include officer hiring, training, and school-related <br />community policing activities performed by your officer(s).) <br /> <br />City of Paris, Police Department <br />(Name of the law enforcement agency and/or school partner that will be <br />responsible for this task.) <br /> <br />F. Financial Reporting <br />(Financial Reports (SF-269) are required on a quarterly basis and outline the <br />amount of monies spent, including federal expenditures, local matching <br />contributions, and the un-obIi~ated balance of the award This l111Ji.l be <br />conducted by the legal applicant of the CIS grant.) <br /> <br />City of ~aris, Paris, Texas <br />(Name of the law enforcement agency or governing jurisdiction that will be <br />responsible for this task.) <br /> <br />Please address the following grant program issues: <br /> <br />G Information Sharing <br />(This section should address the policies/procedures, type, and the extent to <br />which information will be shared between the law enforcement agency and <br />school or school district partner(s) throughout the course of the grant. For <br />example, the type of information that the school is permitted/wilIing to share with <br />law enforcement, as well as information flow from law enforcement to the school <br />partner(s).) <br /> <br />The Paris, Police Department will (and does) share information relating to <br />any student's criminal activities either on or off campus. Additionally any <br />statistical data needed for this project or to assist in school safety, shall <br />be provided. By law, the school must report any known criminal 'activities <br />involving children to law enforcement. <br /> <br />39 <br />