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MINUTES <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 2008 <br />12:00 0'CLOCK P.M. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission meeting was called to order by Arvin Starrett, <br />Chairman. <br />A. T'he following members were present: <br />Arvin Starrett, Chairman <br />Ben Vaughan <br />Susan Scholz, Secretary <br />Matt Coyle <br />Jerry Raper <br />Brad Archer <br />B. The following members were absent: <br />Paul Denney, Vice Chairman <br />C. Also present was Lisa Wright, Historic Preservation Officer, and Bethany Golden, <br />Main Street Manager. <br />2. Approval of minutes_from previous meetings. (November 12, 2008; November 20, 2008) <br />Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded by Matt Coyle to approve the minutes for <br />November 12, 2008 and November 20, 2008. Motion carried 6-0. <br />Consideration of and action on a Certificate of Appropr•iateness . for 115 Clarksville <br />Str°eet bv Artesia Enterprises. <br />Alex Pickering, Scott Signs, stated that the bracket and sign are five to five and half feet <br />tall. The Old Town Seafood sign is the same size as this. Arvin Starrett stated that the <br />bracket will make a significant architectural statement and asked if it could be scaled <br />down in size to make it more appropriate to the simplicity of the front of the building. <br />Ms. Pickering stated that when they put sign up it won't look as big. They may put in a <br />turnbuckle-looking guy wire. Brad Archer asked if they could put the sign right under <br />that to hide the guy wire. Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded by Brad Archer <br />to approve the COA with (1) the bracket not to be installed higher than the transom line <br />and (2) the distance from the building to end of sign not to exceed eighty-eight inches. <br />Motion carried 6-0. <br />4. Consideration of and action on awarding the following facade grant: <br />A. 9 East Plaza - Mary Faber - Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded by <br />Matt Coyle to award fagade grant. Motion carried 6-0. <br />. UHL2. <br />