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7. Receipt of the report from ArchiTexas on The Grand Theater and discussion of and <br />possible action thereon. <br />Lisa Wright advised that she had received the report from ArchiTexas and it basically <br />advised them that they should restore the front of the building to the 1920s era look <br />shown in photogaphs. She stated she was not entirely satisfied with the report in that she <br />felt it did not meet al1 the criteria established in the contract. She advised she was going <br />to review the contract again before sending final payment. She also advised that they <br />would be moving forward with this project. <br />8. Request items for future agendas. There were none. <br />9. Meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 14TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2009. <br />ARViN STARRETT, CHAIRMAN <br />w u'}l1U2-1 <br />