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CITY OF PARIS <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br />P. O. Box 9037 ■ Paris, Texas 75461 ■ 903-784-9234 <br />BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL & MULTI-FAMILY <br />APPLICATION PACKET <br />WHEN IS A BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRED? <br />A building permit is required to erect, construct, enlarge, add to, alter, repair, replace, improve, remove, <br />install, or maintain any structure or building. This includes accessory buildings such as storage sheds, <br />garages or car ports, etc. <br />HOW DO I APPLY FOR A BUILDING PERMIT? <br />VERIFY ZONING: Check the official Zoning Map to verify that the proposed use of the property is <br />permitted. A copy of the zoning map and zoning ordinance is available at the Community <br />Development Office at 1501st Street S.E. Community Department Staff are available to assist you <br />in locating current zoning and determining whether the proposed use is permitted. <br />2. VERIFY PLATTING: Zoning Ordinance No. 1710 provides that a building permit may not be issued <br />unless a property has been platted or the plot, tract, or lot faces upon a dedicated street and was <br />separately owned prior to April 12, 1965, prior to annexation to the city. If the latter does not apply, <br />confirm that the tot on which the proposed construction will take place has been platted and obtain <br />a copy from the Lamar County Clerk. If the property is not platted, you will be required to complete <br />the platting process before applying for a building permit. <br />PREPARE AN ASBESTOS SURVEY (Renovations): Federal and State laws require the building to <br />be surveyed for asbestos by a licensed or accredited asbestos inspector before a building can be <br />renovated, unless the building is a single-family dwelling oran apartment complex of 4 units or less. <br />A list a licensed firms or individuals is available for review at the offices of the Community <br />Development Department, or it can be downloaded from ihe TDH website at: <br />http:/ All asbestos must be removed or abated <br />in accordance with the regulations outlined in State and Federal laws. If the structure proposed for <br />renovation is exempt in accordance with Federat and State laws as shown on the attached flowchart, <br />the applicant may skip this step. <br />4. NOTIFY THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Renovations): State law requires an applicant <br />for a building permit to notify the Texas Department of Health at least ten (10) days prior to the <br />commencement of any renovation activities. The Texas Department of Health Asbestos Programs <br />Branch can be reached at (800) 572-5548 or (512) 834-6600. A copy of the Demolition/Renovation <br />Notification Form is attached hereto. You may also download a copy from the TDH website at: <br /> If the structure proposed for renovation is <br />exempt in accordance with Federal and State laws as shown on the attached flowchart, the applicant <br />may skip this step. <br />5. COMPLETE THE APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL & MULTI-FAMILY: <br />After reviewing the building permit application, prepare all the information requested on the <br />application. A complete application must including the following: <br />Copy of plat of property <br />Copy of site plan showing the following information: <br />• North arrow, scale of the site plan at a scale of 1" = 10' or a multiple thereof, and <br />date the site plan was prepared <br />• Size, shape, and dimensions of the platted lot <br />• Location and width of all easements <br />• Location of building setback lines <br />• Location and dimension of all existing buildings (if any) <br />• Location and dimensions of proposed building <br />• The exact distance the proposed building will be from the platted lot lines <br />'o' O0Q2(s3 <br />